
Archive for May, 2005

energy… busy busy~~~

May 31, 2005 Leave a comment

soo busy…

busy wif sch….
n updating myself wif eg news..
soo luan.. tink these few days hv to start watching 4 diff entertainment news liao.. n mayb DL them also..
eg havin their press conference for their album tml..
wonder hw they gg to announce to e press abt ah di gg to leave..
haix.. sad sad..

n hv to Q next week.. n start planning for eg trip.. wahhahaa.. i also dunno wads there to plan.. lolx..

gg orchard wif sp frenz tml..
n meeting eg clique on thur also..
hee hee

claudia call n ask mi to wrk tis n next next weekend at jp..
gd lorz..
at least can earn sum $$$..
n i really nd it..
time to save up..
but im tempted to buy clothes..
moreover i will be gg town for next 2 days..
i can spend..
but spend ALAP= as little as possible..

Categories: Uncategorized

ah gon

May 30, 2005 Leave a comment

cut my hair yesterday…
n nw……
i look like a absolute ah gon…..

my fringe too short liao..
cos i gei gao..
ask auntie cut shorter as im afraid tat it will grow long v fast larz..
kpo mi..
nw i look dai dai de..


1st day of sch was quite alright.. haha.. all e teachers release us early.. e teachers all seems nice n friendly too..
nd to buy books.. n 1 bk cost ard $20?? n sum $30 plus… haiz…
bought mrt concession-$45 + activation fee-$6 + top up card-$10
spent $61 for my transport today..
no $$$…
my bro n i in poly= heavy burden for my family..

Categories: Uncategorized

soo fast…..

May 29, 2005 Leave a comment

soo fast…. eg is gg to arrive in 12 days time=2 weeks..
their album gg to release tis coming week..

there’s a change in their schedule..

6月10日 (FRI)
11.40am BR 225, Terminal 1
2.30pm 933醉心客棧
7.00pm Energy 簽唱會 @ HarbourFront Centre

6月11日 (SAT)
8.00pm 普威之夜 @ MEDIACORP
9.15pm 933街頭爆唱會@ NGEE ANN CITY, CIVIC PLAZA

6月12日 (SUN)
11.00am 握手會@ LOT 1 (CHUA CHU KANG MRT STN)

還有一件事。。YES933﹐環球和娛樂百分百也會有一個與EG喝下午茶的歌迷聚會。記得在5月31日準時收看CH U的娛樂百分百。也可以從6月6日起收聽YES933的弦歌寄意。節目中會讓大家知道怎麼贏取與EG喝下午茶的機會。

y still gt events on sun de? arnt they suppose to go back on sun..
so tat means they r departing on mon.. also means tat i most pro cnt send them off.. cos dun expect mi to skip sch on fri n mon.. im guai kia k..
n also means tat we hv to chase another day..
plus we hv to buy min 2 albums cos there’s a autogrph n a handshake session..
go find loan sharks liao…

all e events de place is soo hard to travel..
habourfront n lot 1..
hv to change train..
booo whoo whoo..

hmmz.. is there a show call cenosis??

gt a lot of things to settle liao..
cos we’re buai on yi zu..
hv to settle Qing, chasing, psc, cenosis..
hv to start writing letter also liao…

sch is starting tml..
i hate sch…..

heard wo men jus nw..
to eg fans its a v touching song.. a meaningful song too..
feel like crying when listening to it…
tink its a msg they trying to deliver to us??
esp ah di…
sad sad…
tink i will be crying at autogrph session..

jus back frm family BBQ..
cos my cousin is entering NS.. so we decide on a gathering..
lolx.. hv a gd chat wif all my cousins..

went to noreen’s bday party yesterday..
so glad to c LC…
soo long nv c her liao.. chatted wif her abt her tw trip.. sooo xian mu.. she say she wan to go again..
LC really changed a lot.. i mean her image.. but she is still as siao as b4.. lolx..
yesterday really siao..
siao wif LT n LC… really miss those goody sec sch days..
yah.. n thks LC for her mickey shirt..
thks.. =P
its nt too big larz.. jus nice… wore it to family gathering jus nw..

Categories: Uncategorized

KNN !!!!

May 28, 2005 Leave a comment

went all e way to simei…..
n stupidly gt $2 deducted frm my ezlink…..cos i overstayed..
n was told tat toro autogrph at simei was cancelled!!!
bloody BIG F!!!!!


waste of our time n our $$$

n e BK there sucks…
sucks like hell….
n agnes even found ard 3 fish bones in her big fish??
they mus as well close dwn e shop…

went tb’s coffee bean to chat..
we r nw addicted to chit chatting at coffee bean…
shall change a shop next time..
oh.. my pure choco tasted horrible.. probably cos of e choco sauce.. too niam liao..
we really hv countless topic to chat abt..
tink we probably pissed out others at coffee bean..
cos we created chaos as we laughed like ah siaos…

wonder y toro cancelled tis auto at simei..
at 1st we tot mayb there was a delay in flight so he wont gt to sg in time for e autogrph..
but gt to noe frm ppl tat he’s in sg lorz..
mus hv cancelled cos he wan to spend e evening wif fiona lorz..

Categories: Uncategorized

!!! I WAN !!!

May 26, 2005 Leave a comment


cool huh…
power siaz..
i mean e functions…

i wan~~
i dun wan zen micro liao..
i wan tis..


Categories: Uncategorized

^nt tat bad after all^

May 26, 2005 Leave a comment

after hearing 天與地 for like umpteen times.. find tat e song isnt tat bad after all.. realise tat sw’s voice kinda changed???
or issit im havin prob wif my ears??

heard 眼淚的味道 jus nw.. its kinda ok larz.. at least its 1st impression to mi was betta.. as compared to 天與地.. i tink 好想你 will be e nicest song larz.. cnt wait for e full version of tis song.they sang sum part of it durin their las trip at nkf mini concert n its like soo nice can?
e lyrics is kinda interesting though.. it compiles sum title of their old songs.. like fang shou, mnmymyt etc….

toro is cuming sg tml~~~
long time since i’ve seen toro..

actually im also nt looking forwrd to his trip… he’s cuming to promote ai de qi ji album.. its like soo weird lorz.. 1 ppl cum promo a compilation album.. n he will be singing ai de qi ji tml alone.. wahaha.. when its supposed to hv abt 8 ppl singing?? wahaha..

toro is soo free.. he keep liu yan.. but he say he is preparing for typhoon album larz..

meeting jw n agnes tml to simei for his autogrp session.. its like soo far lorz..
but e other autogrph session on sat is even further.. downtown east..
= =”‘
rather go tml de..
tink none of us gg to buy e album.. cos all e songs r nt new.. its like songs frm idol tv series by qiao jie li artiste.. n i’ve alrdy DL it..

find we nt supportive at all..
our enthusiasm for toro flown~

soo stupid.. i hv to go sch tml also for stupid IT stuffs.. dumb.. which means i’ve gt 4 days of orientation..
n it last frm 10-4 lorz.. soo long.. dunno wad shit they gg to teach us..
soo stupid lorz.. tink other courses only hv 3 days of orientation.. n for sum other schs only 2 days nia..
full of shitz…

Categories: Uncategorized


May 25, 2005 Leave a comment

jus heard e complete version of 天與地… waited sooo long for it..
at 1st e dj announce tat they will play it b4 7pm. but they only played it at ard 7.15pm..

after hearing e complete version i still tink its v indian.. haha.. n i was nt wrg.. even e djs said tat its 印度曲風… haha

there’s one part where it goes “愛你愛你愛你愛你。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。” tis part is kinda irritating though..

shall catch tat song again at hit fm later on..


cos im a CF~~~

Categories: Uncategorized

i cnt wait~~~~

May 25, 2005 Leave a comment

wooo hoooo~~~

eg’s new song 天與地 is gg to 首播 anytime nw on yes 933…

cnt wait…
hope tat i wont miss it..

heard a small part of it yesterday..
n tink it sounds like indian song??
mayb cos its e 1st time i was listening..

Categories: Uncategorized

:::: hmmz ::::

May 24, 2005 Leave a comment

nearly fainted when i saw their new hairstyle…
n i was telling agnes, wif their hairstyle like tis.. i dun dare to tell others tat energy is my idol.. wahahaha…

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kunda- tink he fallen in love wif tis “bae yong jun” hairstyle ever since he tried it out during las yr’s tw jqj… n perhaps he hv had a affection for curls..

niu nai- e most 盡爆 one.. scared e hell out of me when i saw e pic… is like soo street fighter.. i truly tink tat mk’s hair look like e street fighter guy whose hair look like a broom?? tink is call 掃把頭??? haha… lolx… BTH~~ dun tink he suits tis hairstyle.. its too “young” for him.. =X

shu wei- his hair look plastered to his head.. haha.. its too black.. n i tink tis is worst than e NKF hairstyle.. haha…

ah di- poor guy… hair shortage… sooo there’s no hair to play ard wif.. haha.. he jus look ah pek as usual.. =X tink he grew fatter??? alice feed him too well liao..

anyway its their hair,nt mine…
so they happi can liao.. haha..
but too bad la.. they cnt stop us frm commenting ya..

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tis is a hit fm thingy.. then kunda n ah di lost e game.. so they hv to kiss each other.. actually its suppose to be 安全之吻… but kunda say tat dun nd to 安全… jus kiss can liao.. haha.. then in e end he lost.. lolx.. gei gao la..
so end up kunda kissing ah di..
kunda is ah di’s 1st kiss wif guy de 對象。。。
how i wish i can be ah di for jus tat v moment..
all of them say tat kunda lips v soft so v nice to kiss..
kunda still say he can endorse lip balms all tat..

new album de title is 最後的樂園 final fantasy。。。
when asked abt if they r gg to disband.. they say tat they will announce durin 1st of june which is e press conference for their new album..
e title of their album tells all..
is there a nd for any announcment to be made??
their album will be out on 3rd of june in tw n 4th of june in sg..
their new song gg to 首播 le…

Categories: Uncategorized


May 23, 2005 Leave a comment

went bugis wif eg clique today… haha.. pf n mi were late as usual.. =X

bought a mickey shirt frm e new mickey shop..

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dun mention abt e price.. heart pain.. lolx..
bought tis shirt wif agnes.. haha.. cos of our 1 yr n 8 mths de friendship..
feel like getting e shoes.. e shoes r cheap.. e shoes there r cheaper than e shirt..
actually i felt betta when pf said tat at least its cheaper than goin other countries to buy…
haha.. quite true..

then went to coffee bean to chit chat.. we really v talkative.. gt endless things to tok abt..

find we really v kiam pa.. cos 4 of us were like soo bo liao n sitting there commenting abt other ppl.. lolx..
saw chao guo hui again..
n pf was like soo excited when she saw him..
btw tis e 2nd time we saw him together..

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