
Archive for June, 2005


June 30, 2005 Leave a comment

ya.. mc again for 2 days…gg back only on mon..
soo i only attended 2 days of sch in tis 2 weeks..
missing out damn lotsa lessons n stuffs..
lost marks for my quizs n stuffs cos i didnt take them..
no choice..
i hv to cure my illness..
went to 4 diff docs.. all gave mi diff ans to my illness..

Categories: Uncategorized

to read chinese wrds

June 29, 2005 Leave a comment

go view…
if u wanna read those alien wrds…

Categories: Uncategorized


June 29, 2005 Leave a comment










ENERGY 牛奶:對家人說,若我戰死,好好保重自己。








































tink my ans to tis Q will be..媽媽,我好愛妳。

Categories: Uncategorized


June 29, 2005 Leave a comment








殷琦:跑去找媽媽。 思宓:擁抱每一個我所愛的人。

ENERGY 牛奶:去打外星人。









梁又琳:回家。就算再困難,我都要想辦法跟家人守在一起,直到最 後一刻。



水蜜桃姐姐:我會開始不斷禱告,祈求明天不要是世界的最後一 天,直到世界真的滅亡為止。




























世界大戰首映會…wah. really a lot of artistes attend.. sum artiste de name also nv heard b4 de..
hmm.. wad a interesting Q huh..
find those who still bother abt their outlooks really dumb.. y care abt ur looks when u’re gg to die soon??!!
if tis is really gg to happen.. i tink my ans will be 把最愛的人集合起來…

Categories: Uncategorized

26th – yu le bai fen bai

June 29, 2005 Leave a comment

finally they played all e sg de hua xu..
really nice…
but they only played e 1st 2 days of their trip..

*stuffs they mention*
-start Qing 2 weeks b4 e auto at habour..
-highest record is 27 maxi chasing..
-they actually played tat airport de incident!!! ah di picking up e stuffs…ma de.. e narrator was saying “ge mi hai sai ge ta men qi guai de li wu!!!” ma de.. give books n letter v qi guai meh???

*funni stuffs*
-when mk was taking out his hp frm his pocket e shui hua frm e day b4 de yu bai singing contest drop out frm his pocket.wahahaha.. cos he was wearing sw de pants tat day..
-they copied xiao s n show de action.. shock n cover mouth damn funni.. mk n kd really enjoyed doin tat..
-mk singing ai bia zia a yah at habour auto de backstage..
-sw farted at habour de auto!!!
-mu chun n FIR de conversation.. kd n sw really love to act~~
-kd bring luan luan bao to sg for wad???!!!
-mk wear tat v lou de shirt then say his da ban is 183 club de style!!! lol..
-kd n mk standing at goodwood de balcony trying to throw each other dwn.. they’re imitating michael jackson.. then carry a baby.. so mk was trying to carry kd.. really dangerous.. kd also scare.. still say zhe xiao hai hao zhong.. lol!!

-they went maison de poupee b4 habour de auto???
-sw v bad.. at habour de auto say ppl r there to c ah di zui hou yi mian..
-fa qi ren ba kut teh~ they go change it to fa chao ren.. = =
sw really gei gao!
-remove ba kut teh bone de show e way to remove e bone of e meat. sw was saying tat if use ken de will v ugly then kd was ken-ing e meat away.. kunda still shoot back say tat where gt soo many bones to use tat tactic.. then say tat its lan tactic..
-mk showed his RED boxers..
-sw n kunda share a rm.. wah.. kd dare to share wif sw ar.. soo wei nan him.. surely kanna molested when slpin.. haiz..
-kd cover his “dian” when he wan to show his dong dong de singlet..
-sw sing jj de bian hao 89757..
-argh!!!kd n mk was standing at sum sort of like e goodwood park hotel de balcony.. then waving n toking to fans all tat on 2nd day b4 gg to maison de poupee.. argh..soo where r we?? o yah.. we were gai gai-ing at far east!!!! argh!!! ma de!
-mk soo gd.. help fans tie shoelace at e maison de poupee de event.. aww~~~
-y kd pull up his shirt to show his boxer de brand at yu bai gathering???
-they ate they da bao frm newton de food outside toliet???!!!
-didnt play much on newton de part.. tink cos e shou yin de prob..

!!!JING BAO!!!
kunda was toking to toro over e hp when they r all eating e food they da bao frm newton outside e toliet.. n he was toking inside e toliet.. tink toro called him..haha.. then mk still show tat shock n cover mouth de action again!! still say if sun zong kan dao zhe me ban…wahahaha tink toro shocked tio y gt yu bai de ppl.. kd still say toro wan hui lai eg le.. pengz.. impossible~ n do tat shock n cover mouth de action… wahaha.. seems tat their relationship still quite gd..

Categories: Uncategorized

my tail~~~

June 28, 2005 Leave a comment

my tail is getting no betta…
e medication hv no effects at all…
gg back to e doc tml…
most prob gg hospital bah..

Categories: Uncategorized


June 28, 2005 Leave a comment

having itos lesson nw..
hope e teacher release early later on…
feel like slping nw…
soo sleepy…

gg jp later to gt my pay..
n go popular buy book cover also…
eg cuming next week le…
soo fast… n its their las trip..
its contradicting..
but im hoping for a gai ban..
broke le…no $$ le…
great sales ending liao…
hoping to go town tis week to shop…

Categories: Uncategorized


June 27, 2005 Leave a comment

my monitor soot soot liao…
blueish blueish de..
ma de..

mc today again..
ma de..
e doc only gave mi 1 day mc..
so i paid $36 bucks for 1 day mc..
nw i really confused abt my illness…
sum say is e skin..
sum say is e bone..
so issit e bone or e skin??
dunno wad e hell issit..
gg back to e doc again on wed..
soo if my condition doesnt improve on wed i will be gg hospital i tink….

Categories: Uncategorized

half dead~~

June 23, 2005 Leave a comment

im dying~~
mc for 3 days.. meaning i will only be in sch on mon…
gg to miss damn lotsa lessons..

my tail is killing mi.. went polyclinic to c e doc.. cos i wanted to ask for a x ray or wadever.. e poly clinic doc sucks.. e nurse still dare to tell mi all of e docs r pro.. pui~~~
e doc still ask mi.. y will like tat de.. as if i noe… im nt a doc… then say wad if 2 days later still nt betta nd go hospital… ma de.. n obviously i tink im gg hospital.. cos its nt betta at all.. after 1 day…
n all my relatives say tat its betta to gt e pus or wadever removed.. but i dunwan!!! its painful… its a operation k… its dangerous… n im scare~~~ its gonna be painful…

so im nw having probs getting dwn e bed, sitting dwn, bending, walking…
yah… i can totally uds e pain ah di is suffering for tis 2 yrs…

blame it on myself for having tis kinda weird illness…
ma de…

Categories: Uncategorized

time to blog~~~ abt feng qi, gd fren n initial D…

June 23, 2005 Leave a comment

sooo many things too tok abt.. where shld i start frm????
tink i shld start frm 18/6 (fri) e day when e whole thing started…

pf, agnes, n mi decided to meet out cos all of us were bored n pf class released early so she hv nowhere to go… decided to go town again.. i suggested to go city hall.. but they wanted to go cine la.. sooo go cine lor..

then we sudd remb tat feng qi gg k union tat day… so we kpo kpo go c c.. then in e end managed to gt in w/o e tixs..

e 3 of us were standing at e back.. then we were like laughing n busy entertaining ourselves..haha.. tink we’re damn aa.. n sum ppl infront of us bth us n kept staring..
kept waving to feng qi n he waved back also la.. cos he no choice.. lift up head will surely c us liao.. haha…

waited of him at his combi… shook hands n eyes contact wif us.. made e 3 of us melt~~ pf also did sumting to him.. oh..or shld i say he did sumting to pf??haha.. anyway… e thing they did made us super bth…wahahaha… but gd la… he only do tat to pf kays….haha…

e 3 of us gt super high abt him.. so decided to go to his next event which was a carnival at boat quay UOB..he sang songs… his live super damn gd….
then walked wif him to his combi… woah~~~~ his eyes contact…. really made mi melt…^^ wahaha…
n he did tat thing to pf again…

took cab to ufm n waited for him.. he came.. then agnes leaned over my shoulder n called his name.. he turn then looked at us…
interview ended then he went to toliet.. his hands were wet when he came out la.. then he shook pf n my hands… summore shook my hands 2 times!! then he did a super cute reaction to show tat his hands r wet… haha…

went hm after ufm.. took cab again.. addicted to sitting cab liao.. since eg trip.. gt used to sitting maxi.. ya.. on our cab we saw zhi hao again!!!! wahahaha… tat day when gg to pu wei at mediacorp also saw him.. yuan fen.. haha… bth~~~

decided to go his events again.. went imm de 1st… damn little fans..
then he sang again then wave wave..
followed him to combi again.. he did tat thing to pf AGAIN!!!!

travelled to bishan.. played on mrt.. damn ps.. but we heck n enjoyed it la.. lol… hai dai~~~
went for autogrph session.. fastest auto… haha…. e Q moved damn fast..
went up stage.. then tok to him… he wrote n draw sumting for mi..
followed him again.. n sumting really funni happened to his xuan chuan.. haha.. agnes n mi really noe hw to squeeze our way thrgh e crowd..
*clap clap*

decided to chase him frm mediacorp…
chase him super duper whopper gd lor… he damn gd!!!
opened window tok to us.. quite shocked tat he noe hw to open it..=X
then showed us sumting.. doin lotsa cute thingys.. heez
^^ ^^ ^^
he went PS played arcade… then agnes asked him sumting.. glad to hear his ans la.. agnes sooo gei gao.. still tell him dun lie.. haha.. he’s nt lying la..

then follow him go play arcade lor.. he wanted to catch e stuffs toys.. tried 2 times la.. but didnt catch it.. ask him go catch e minnie mouse he dun wan.. dunno who say v ugly.. argh…

then he go play e car de.. actually he wanted to play another car racing de but too many ppl playing there liao.. then gei gao agnes go suggest sumting to him sumting which i can do so tat he can play.. ma de.. n he really believe tat im gg to do tat.. summore stared at mi for v v long can.. tot i really gg to do it.. he really innocent la.. bu neng guai…after playing his tat car, agnes again ask him want mi to go do tat a not.. ma de.. n he still reply dun nd!!!

then followed him to fila shop.. then to baleno..
at baleno also quite ps.. cos agnes n mi were together.. then sumting happened which made us say “xx xx” again… n according to agnes.. he turned ard when he heard tat..
= = “”

he went out of PS.. then walk n walk.. he n mi were standing side by side.. hehe.. soo happy.. but i also nv tok la.. cos i was busy contacting uncle.. then when he stand there waiting for his 8228 he ask us where is our car la.. then our car jus behind nia.. then i tell him sumting which make him really blur.. i also dunno y i said tat la.. then realise tat i phrase my sentence wrgly.. agnes even corrected mi.. but i jus heck then went back 190.. lolx…

went swisshotel… they wanted to enter e pub.. but fq is under age.. tink is tat ah gua wanna go de.. ma de.. si ah gua.. regretted tat i nv shoot him back… ma de.. go die lor.. fq was quite guilty abt it also.. but we dun blame him la.. is nt his fault at all..

went up mount faber instead.. then they sat dwn to hv drinks..

nv wait for him to cum out la.. went hm.. cos too tired le..

20/06/2005 (sun)
working.. so cnt go to his events..
pf went to 1 of e events at boon lay place.. n she said tat he did tat thing to her AGAIN!!!!
regretted tat we didnt chase tat day…

went to np de campus concert… sat 1st row.. middle summore.. ^^
but sum ppl buay song wif us la.. but heck…
yy went also..
then e 4 of us where like soo nt high.. cos e ppl ard us also nt high ma.. then if we high nia then will be like soo awkward…
fq was trying v hard to gt us high..
but none of us reacted…
he kept having eye contact wif us again la..
shook hands wif him for umpteen times… haha..
summore gt 1 time shake v v v long summore… he was like holding my hand??? haha
soo xin fu…
he was trying to stand closer to e audience.. so he came infront of mi n pf.. cos we were like in e middle.. soo close up can…he knocked my legs summore..

chase after np..
chase to mediacorp.. then followed our gd fren.. gd fren is soo gd!!! soo cute can… but fq is cuter.. lol…
gd fren was trying to tell us tat fq is nt in e car.. n we knew tat.. gd fren soo gon.. dunno hw to open e combi de window.. lol…
they went toa payoh… maia was there also..maia is super short… tink less than 150cm..
nw tink back a bit ps.. cos none of us tok to maia.. hahha.. we were tooo occupied wif our gd fren… lol..
gd fren was looking for a bag la.. but didnt find any which he like.. so end up buying nth..
treat us to ice cream..
he sooo gon.. a bit like feng qi.. gt cheated easily.. where gt soo exp de ice cream?? lol..
had a short chat wif him la.. then told us sum nei mu..
gd fren de ears damn sharp hor.. heard many things tat’s supposed to be qiao qiao hua among us.. lol..
had stomache after eating e ice cream…
went back mediacorp after tat…
lost sight of 8228 cos a stupid car cut in…

gt ppl say tat they r at riverside pt.. so went there.. they eating seafood la..
sum ppl there spoiled our mood.. so all of us sian half.. when fq eat finsh then waiting for combi all chatted wif them.. except for our grp.. we were all kinda moody.. fq realised tat.. then i was telling vivanne sumting.. then he ask mi i gt anyting to say.. then i jus ans mei you la.. n i tink he can tell tat we’re nt in gd mood..
chase till orchard parade then followed him to lift.. he was singing jay de wo de di pan n i believe.. say bye bye to him..
went hm after tat..
but was told tat he came out nt long after we left.. ma de… non of us expected tat.. cos his parents were there.. then tot he wont cum out liao..
he went mount faber again…
hehe.. but sumting happened which made us damn happi~~ ^^
he asked abt us..he ask where r we..
then also ask sum other things…tink gd fren told him tat la..
happi happi~~

all of us bu she de him.. so went orchard parade to wait for him… his parents came dwn 1st… ask his mama sumting then she say can.. then he zhao wif her.. lol.. soo shun bian…
then fq came dwn wif gd fren.. haha.. agnes gave sumting to gd fren n his reaction is soo damn funni… haha..
he zhao wif fq.. ^^
my 2nd he zhao wif him~
aiya.. forgt to tell him sumting.. shit..
then cos they waiting for ah gua to gt up e car.. then gd fren secretly open door n pass mi sumting.. du jia k.. haha..
then went airport.. sum1 gave him eg cd.. so he did e fang shou action.. then he shook our hands v sincerly then say thk you to us.. while walking we go tok to gd fren.. haha.. tell him abt e ice cream we ate de stomache.. then he laugh say he ate 2 also no prob.. lol.. tink he tell fq abt it.. duno larz..
then waved gdbye n all tat…

went t1 after tat.. go c jay,edison,ah B,huang qiu sheng,yu wen le.. cos shun bian mah.. wah… airport damn lotsa ppl.. waited outside.. jay came out 1st.. wore cap.. then wave.. then ah B.. yu wen le.. no expression. then huang qiu sheng.. stucked his fingers in his ears.. haha.. i c le i kept laughing.. then edison listening to mp3 or wadever..
a bunch of dao gin nas…
wonder wad ppl will c if they chase… c nth.. lolx…!!!
poor fans~~

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