
Archive for August, 2005

*// Shitz…

August 31, 2005 Leave a comment

i can feel tat e pain in my tail is back again!!!!
oh.. shitz..
wad shld i do…
ok.. relax..
jus go take sum rest now..
stay cool~

Categories: Uncategorized

*// GFC…

August 31, 2005 Leave a comment

tml is finals~!!!
went indoor stadium jus nw… saw JJ n c them walking past…
didnt wait for them to cum out la.. cos its kinda late.. so decided not to wait..

hahahhaa.. heard wad gera they all did jus nw… lol… agnes.. happi mahz? haha.. agnes n sugie.. =X lol~

gotta bring lotsa things tml.. tink i hv to bring 2 shirts.. 1 red n 1 blue.. all of us r having headaches abt tat blue shirt.. so ma fan… blue jiu blue.. still wan wad comfort/posb blue.. =.=
wearing blue cos our tixs is frm weijian.. n red cos mayb our tixs for e red carpet is frm ruth..

pls go join
garett’s yahoo grp.. for those who dont noe.. garett is leon’s bro..
join tis yahoo grp to show ur support for him..
n im e president of tis fc~!
oh god.. can u imagine???
e president of a fc???

Categories: Uncategorized


August 30, 2005 Leave a comment

woah… i haven been blogging for like 1 week..
haha.. cos im too occupied wif superstars la…. n im lazy.. =X
soo many things for mi to update…n there’s soo many details which i cnt remb..
haha.. nvm.. shall sumarise all of them..

darryl=> my small melody fan is still wif him!! haha.. tot he lost it.. 1st time ask him he say its inside his pants’ pocket.. but he wasnt wearing tat pants tat day.. 2nd time ask n he say its on his keyboard..n agnes’s spolit snoppy fan is inside his ah pa’s car.. haha.. his ah pa mus be using it.. =X our melody fan spolit again..haha.agnes tat day still ask darryl can help her repair a not.. bth..agnes n mi can really form tat fanning duet thingy la. haha.. cos darryl likes imitating e way we fanning la.. haha.. he super lame also. tat day he wrote my name huiyi… 2.. 3.. lame~ =.=

sebas=> super irritating.. he wins.. he is soo irritating tat agnes also bth.. haha.. he’s fun la.. he wan de qi.. not like sum other peepz.. =X he really super lotsa actions la.. he’s really cracking his brains whenever we ask mi to write sumting diff.. hahaz..

sugie=> wahahahahahahahaha… bth.. i cnt help stop laughing whenever i c him.. lolz.. he loves agnes n agnes loves him.. =B wad a loving couple~ ^^ he only draw hearts for agnes kays…. haha.. he’s really cute la.. i loves c-ing his reactions.. his reactions r always soo funni.. lol.. thks him for bringing so much joy to us la.. haha

raymond=> was chasing them on sunday for tat imm event.. he saw us in our maxi n jus like kinda smile.. but si si also nv wave. haha.. but nw.. he’s waving whenever he sees us la.. hahahaha.. bth.. credits to agnes for making him do tat la.. n they even ask if he’s irritated n he says no.. haha.. n i ask him to stop lying.. =X

jason=> he spoils our sun.. boooo… he’s trying to exaggerate.. bleahz..

junyang=> he’s sick.. his voice kinda changed.. n he jus looked sick..

derrick=> he’s jus his usual self.. haha.. same reactions.. haha.. made jy n candyce waited so long for him..

tats abt it bah..
hv been gg dwn mediacorp for tis whole week..
soo tired.. today’s a gd day for mi to rest.. finally~~!!!

wonder if i shld go dwn tml…..

Categories: Uncategorized


August 22, 2005 Leave a comment

i passed my java wif a C+…

lotsa projects n assignments gonna due on week 15..
which is like 2 weeks away..
n we haven start on it yet..
n there’s a java individual assignment.. n im clueless abt wad r we gg to do..
die again~~!!!

there’s also goin to be presentations on week 15..
meaning i nd sum formal wear..
e teacher say wear sumting tat is formal but nt soo formal..
i actually nd to wear sumting formal tis wed also for our MOB presentation..
so im nw having headache abt it..
cos i dun wanna wear sumting soo formal cos i tink its ugly..
=X haha
tink im goin to gt myself sum office wear will do..
but kinda rush huh.. cos hv to gt it by wed..

goin to meet LT n SY later to causeway to gt my heels..
soo long nv c my xiao pang liaoz.. hahaaha

argh.. ><
i wanan buy lotsa things.. but i dun hv e $$$..
poor mi~~~~

Categories: Uncategorized

*// im a ah toot…..!!!!

August 17, 2005 Leave a comment

cut my hair today..
n my fringe is nw too short again.. making mi look like a complete ah toot, ah gon….
im trying to an wei myself… but really ugly larz..

haiz… hope my mama wont yell at mi later when she gt hm..

im soo disappointed in myself larz.. i find myself soo useless…
im gd at nth…
i dunno anything…
i dont noe how to use e washing machine, i dunno how to cook rice, i dunno how to use e mop. etc………
im a complete failure!!!
n im simply wasting soo much of my parents’ hard earned $$$…

im spending like ard $100 bucks a week…
n not earning a cent…
n not having any of my own savings…nt mentioning abt those joint accs wif parents..
i dun even dare to tink e balance amt left in my own acc.. everysince i gt my atm card…
i spent my $$ in my acc like nobody’s business… really regretted..

wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i betta wake up fast..
kinda tinking of getting a part time job…
mayb gio or bal or wad…
but its gg to be tough to juggle job n studies at e same time..
i hope i can ta han…

Categories: Uncategorized

*//11-08-2005(results show)

August 17, 2005 Leave a comment

meet agnes after sch..
went j8 n shop ard…
went mini toons n bought another fan..
cos its sooo cute.. its melody..
can predict tat it will be spoilt after sum weeks… haha..

went mcs after tat..
saw leon cuming out frm reception.. he’s gg to meet his fren la.. n he’s running late..
chanel(ah nel) came after tat.. let her sign photos n stuff.. then take photos..
heard sebas came le.. so went dwn larz.. he’s wearing a gu niang necklace.. he say his sis ask him to wear de..
then went up.. sign photos.. took photos.. then crapped lorz..
ruth came also…
then e 3 of them like take photos together n stuffs la..
they stayed soo long at reception..
finally went in la..

we went in also.. went toilet.. saw sugie and chanel and dunno who larz..
then cum out saw jeff n hagen..
went back studio after tat..
sat at e row behind ss..
jason n wei lian 1st to cum in… wanted to ask him to sign photos. but he too busy la.. so i tell him later lorz..
then all e ss cum in..
then later gt 1 v strong perfume smell tot its darryl de.. then agnes go say him.. he still say sry..
haha..but tink its hagen de.. not him.. lol..
when sugie, choong, raymond cum in… woah~~~~ strong cigar smell..
my mini fan frm my new melody fan dropped off.. then agnes go give it to darryl.. then he still use tat to fan n cover his face.. as if gt effect.. tink he lost e fan alrdy.. cos its soo mini…
agnes also gave her spolit snoopy fan to darryl.. haha.. all spolit de things all pass to him.. =X lol~~!!!
thrgh out e show.. gt 1 ss turned ard 2 times n said de.. non of us was mentioning anything tat concern him.. ma de..

derrick n silver gt eliminated..

went out to reception after tat…
chanel came out then they sing happy bday song for her.. cos its her bday..
decided to go over to rg.. halfway while walking dwn we saw sebas n leon walking inside.. walking towards recept la..
so we walked back to recept..

then sebas again larz.. take photos again.. also nth to ask him to sign.. sign everytime also same de..
then jason ask him to sign jus nw tat photos larz..then took photos again.. then tok to him lo..
went over to leon ask him to sign sumting.. then he wrote.. huge eyes like pearl.. pearl also dunno how to spell.. then beautiful also dunno how to spell.. he still draw a pearl inside a oyster.. lol!!!!
xiao zhu ask him to sign also larz.. then he dunno how to write zhu!!! we tell him e animal de bian.. he dunno wad issit.. then i tell him dog de bian.. i say gou zi bian.. then he dunno also.. he wrote wrgly.. end up sum1 hv to write to show him how to write.. then he still say wad is gou zi bian.. peng..

went over to silver lo.. she gt a 1 pic end up having a grp he zhao..

then derrick.. he’s surrounded by his fc de ppl.. ke lianz.. took a photo wif him.. i dun tink tats called a he zhao.. = = its soo far..

went hm after tat..
ma de.. lost another marker n a pen again!!!
tink my marker is wif derrick nw..
stupid… 2nd marker i lost in mcs.. n its buy on tat day n lost tat same day!!!

Categories: Uncategorized

*//8-8-2005 (recording)

August 17, 2005 Leave a comment

im slow enough to blog wad happened on 8th aug only nw..
actually i blog half of it sum time ago.. but save as draft nia..
all e things r kinda jumbled larz.. cos cnt recall much le..
but agar agar lorz..

reached mediacorp n gt to noe tat jason is alrdy inside..
so waited dwn at e reception for other ppl..
we’re actually waiting for sebas la.. waited so long n he didnt cum.. mayb he’s sick again like las week??? gt to noe later tat he didnt went cos he dont noe recording was on mon!! slow~~
saw ruth instead.. took photos with her.. tat weird short girl is soo irritating!!!
keeps calling ruth shi ni~~~~~~ bth.. then niam niam away to ruth.. say wad dun care abt wad other ppl say n tat she will ting ruth.. ruth also bth lo..
didnt went in for recording.. cos we’re kinda nt interested..

if im nt wrg jason came out frm reception after guy’s recording n left in a car…
didnt hv chance to tok larz.. he was mobbed by fans larz…

went radio gate hoping to c darryl..
waited till 10.30.. no sight of him..decided to go hm..
agnes n lk wanna eat e sandwich so walked dwn to reception..
then i saw darryl walking over to reception across e road.. then i was like eh~~~ darryl..
he was kinda stunned la.. didnt expect kanna spotted..
mayb like wad i said he was nt prepared to meet ppl.. haha.. mayb he’s doing wad agnes said.. wahahahahahahahahaa
he was wearing tat energie jacket n perspiring cos he jus played bball.. =.=
walked up reception..n came dwn again cos there’s ppl at reception. decided to enter via radio gate.
he cnt decide whether to go watch e show a not.. cos its kinda halfway le..
in e end he decide to go la.. then he offered to drive us up e slope to radio gate.. but………….
mr yong.. silver’s car is nt big enough to squeeze us in.. =.=
walked up to radio gate ourselves larz…

sit at e curb then tis cai fen cum scare us.. and we moved to sum where near e busstop there..
wei choong came out.. then ask him sign photo he wrote happy national day…
candyce came out also.. she say she gg to gai gai.. so late.. gt where to gai?!

ran to reception cos they saw darryl cuming out frm there.. ma de..
when we reached there they say he cuming out frm radio..
ran back to radio gate again..
sweat like mad…
wei choong was still there la.. he waited soo long for a cab.. then finally boarded 1..
ok.. darryl.. tat short weird girl is soo damn e irritating..
n every1 was like trying to block her away.. haha..
so we ended up forming 2 circles ard darryl.. lol..
cos its alrdy past 12 ma.. then national day le..
when we wanna take pic he still go chose to take infront of singapore flag.. lol.. super lame..
after tat listen to them crapped lorz.. n he was like perspiring non stop thrgh out..

went hm after tat..
when e cab gg dwn tat slope we saw leon at e slope..
soo we went dwn e cab.. e meter haven even jumped.. its like $2.40 but we hv to add mid nite charge.. so we paid $3 plus to gt dwn n find leon.. = =
stupid us..
went dwn gt our things signed n blah blah blah…

finally went hm after tat..

Categories: Uncategorized


August 15, 2005 Leave a comment

everything jus wasnt right these 2 days…
it all started ytd, our encounter wif mr police which made us felt panicked but later hysterical.
then later e “nearly knocked tio” accident.
seeing those bitches really made us freaked out and fuming with anger. we dont noe them.. so wad’s e farking prob wif them?!
tat si ah gua irritating guy.. ma de.. knn.. y mus he always pick on us.. we dont noe him too..
really wonder wad e hell is e prob all the ppl ard tis idol…
and tis idol is jus simply too naive to notice all these happenings ard him..
and e only person who used to understand us most had left.. we’re tinking wads the reason for him to leave.. issit becoz of those ppl ard tat idol?
wad i can be assured of is tat his fans r gg to leave him coz of all those ppl ard him..
but it will be too late when he finally grows up and realise about tis…

yayayaya… im crapping again…
cnt help it.. im jus too fed up abt everything tat happened tis 2 days..
ok.. i will try to forgt abt it.. and start celebrating cos i will be gg to c superstars tml!!! yeah!!!


Categories: Uncategorized


August 9, 2005 Leave a comment

went jp wif mama in e afternoon…
walked ard n felt like buying soo many things..
tell mama i wanna either buy tat URS or addidas shoes which is v comfortable.. both also cost $60 plus.. tink i will buy e URS 1.. but its kinda long ago design.. wonder who’s gg to pay..
went watsons n bought tat limited ZA edition of foundation.. haha.. bought it cos e limited edition casing is PINK~~~!!!
wanted to buy a giordano bottom.. but e Q to e fitting room is soo long.. didnt wanna wait so didnt buy la.. haiz.. wasted.. =X cos mama will be paying for it..

hmm.. wanna gt e belt also.. tink gg to gt it tis thur wif agnes b4 gg mediacorp..
i got soo many things to buy.. bags, shoes, blah blah blah…….
tink i shld find myself sum part time jobs.. n start saving up.. haha.. ya.. as if…

tok wif darryl over e hp jus nw.. he’s in mediacorp to fetch silver..
its supposed to be conference.. agnes, darryl n mi..
thks agnes for letting mi to tok to darryl alone huh.. ma de.. nth to say lo.. soo paiseh.. = =

stupid.. tink e energy wordings cnt be seen huh.. lousy~~~


Categories: Uncategorized

*// tooo much sleep~~

August 7, 2005 Leave a comment

slept too much..
n im having headache nw..


Categories: Uncategorized