
Archive for February 7, 2006

*// whee.. holiday job~!

February 7, 2006 Leave a comment

tis girl came n add mi in msn..
she’s a flh’s fan frm shanghai…
asked her where she gt my msn add frm.. she said frm 八大web where i liu yan..
hrm.. did i?
cnt remb myself gg there to liu yan..
she told mi her fav flh’s member is chen yi ru..
lol.. she likes e one i hate most…

whee.. all of us will be occupied during e holidays alrdy..
eileen intro e whole class a job..
tink we’re wrking at a book fair at expo.. doin sum retailing stuffs larz..
$5/hr.. but food provided..
was actually considering it at 1st.. cos its like soo far la.. expo.. n e pay nt tat high i tink..
but i tink its still betta to go out to wrk n earn sum pocket $ durin e holidays den nua-ing at hm..
n i tink 3/4 of e class is wrking oso..
yeah~!!! ^.^
hope its gg to be FUN~~~

Categories: Uncategorized

*// tang yu zhe~~~~

February 7, 2006 Leave a comment

received sms frm agnes jus now during FOM..
she told mi yu zhe replied my msg at aio!!!

hurry log in my acc b4 FOM presentation starts..
cos i cnt wait to c it..
too excited alrdy..

knn.. he copy n paste his reply larz..
cos he replied another girl e same one.. n he didnt put as qiao qiao hua..
but betta den nth larz..
lol.. =P

im suspecting tat e person reply isnt him larz..
tink its shark.. muahahha.. otherwise known as xie he xuan..

went to my “old frens” boards to msg them ytd..
found out tat many had closed their boards alrdy..
proves tat aio-ing is really sianz as time goes by larz..
wonder how long will i play tis time ard b4 i gt sicked of it..
a week? 1 mth?
no idea.. we shall c…

yu zhe has e habit of using back e emotion e person used to reply him/her…
kinda bo liaoz lar…
hrm… e emotion he used to reply mi is e same as mine when i c frm his board..
but its diff when i view his reply at my own board..
dunno y..

FOM presentation was quite ok today…
our grp scored quite well.. =)
all our hardwrk paid off larz… heeez..

took class photo after presentation..
tis is e 2nd time we’re taking class photo..
cos we belong to both sch of business & ICT..
so we hv to take one for SB n another one for ICT..
bo liao larz..
n e venue was as kns as before..
infact e one b4 was betta larz..
we took it at e stairs connecting e 2 blks together..
oh.. its soo sunny lar.. we cnt even open our eyes under e sorching sun..
kns.. n e person took e photo frm e top.. meaning we hv to face e sun to take e pic..which is even worst…
ma de.. n e person asked us to take e pics all over again when we’re all perspiring like mad alrdy..

heard tat e yr book isnt a book after all..
tink its a cd-rom..
ma de.. we paid $8 if im nt wrg for a cd-rom?
if we knew earlier,
we shall all share n jus buy 1 den..

knn.. having gems test tml..
n i dun even noe wad topic will be tested..
emailed e lecturer on sun n she haven replied mi yet..
dead alrdy..
dunno which topics to study…
luckily its all MCQs..

off to aio-ing..
oh.. kinda addicted alrdy..

Categories: Uncategorized