
Archive for February 27, 2006

*// FOM’s paper

February 27, 2006 Leave a comment

jus finished e las paper today..
soo happi.. =))

FOM today was alright..
went in e exam rm late.. we actually did tat on purpose..
cos we dun wan tat 10 mins reading time..
wanna use tat 10 mins to do sum las min chionging..
scribbled soo much stuffs in..
n my hand was soo tired after tat..
i even asked for another extra ans booklet..

went suntec jus nw to resign our contract..
din do any shopping.. cos e girls wanna go hm to play their maple..

nvm.. i shall watch enews now n organise spree later on..
i’ve lotsa stuffs in mind to do..

any1 interested in stuffs frm here?
Cherry Wu
wanted to organise tis spree quite long ago..
but wasnt free tat time..
anyway.. many nice stuffs r gone alrdy..
tink its oos..
e jacket i wanted to gt its gone too..
nvm.. shall order sumting else..


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