
Archive for February 28, 2006

*// cherry wu spree

February 28, 2006 Leave a comment

jus sent an email to cherry wu..
hope everything is alright n goes on smoothly..
i tink its soo confusing to organise a spree..
so many orders to consolidate..
n e only way to organise them are to put them into a excel sheet..
im so not gd at it larz..
cos i was practically surfing web during every ITOS lesson..
n sy has to help mi to put them into excel sheet..
thks to her..

im only taking 11 items tis time round.. n i alrdy hv sum probs handling it…

went bugis in e morn to pray..
den shopped a while n returned hm..
was tired larz..

okie.. mk is alrdy in sg…
n sum1 is jus a asshole..
ma de..

gg for training tml 9-12 at pop HQ..
shall go out wif agnes n mayb jw after tat..
but nt sure if they wanna meet ard 12 plus..

im bored~~~
although i hv many things in mind to do..

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