
Archive for May, 2006

*// bangkok pls!!

May 30, 2006 Leave a comment

i wanna go on a shopping trip at bangkok!!

after seeing sum pics of those stuffs my bro’s gf bought frm there, i wanna go there SO badly too!
all those stuffs there are damn cheap.

hurry hurry make my wish cum true~

Categories: Uncategorized

*// damn! broken earring

May 30, 2006 Leave a comment

DAMN! im so mad at myself!! ARGH. i broke my lizard belly earring today. @$*&%$#
y i chose to put it in my pocket instead of my bag?
y i chose to ear that earring today?
y y y??? ARGH!!! im frustrated lah! and i think it cnt be fixed cos the little hook that it used to connect broke alrdy.

anyway, saw maple syurp stuffs on my table when i gt hm think my mama helped me to collect it.
the pearl necklace i ordered is so plastic lah. hais. but not so bad. still looks nice.

ytd’s feedback session was quite fun. the marketing lecturer is so humourous. hahhaa.
had a long discussion over indian milo when snacking. hahahhaa.
but the indian smell was really strong lah. luckily mine din taste or smells indian-ish.

was randomly browsing joyce shop stuffs today. OMG. all the clothes there looks nice! nono.. it is whopper nice!!

shall go revise a bit on mmwd later on cos i will most prob be out tml i guess since mama took leave.

Categories: Uncategorized

*// bro back frm bk

May 29, 2006 Leave a comment

bro came hm at ard 1 plus almost 2am today. his flight kept delaying lah. e plane was supposed to land at 11.10pm den it delayed to 12.20.

he bought loads of stuffs back hm for HIMSELF. damn!! he din see the straw bag i mentioned. guess i prob hv to gt it frm bugis alrdy lah. but its damn exp. shall consider again.
those stuffs over there are really cheap cheap cheap. his gf bought loads of stuffs too! omg.. im so tempted to go over for shopping spree too! hahhahaha

having mmwd lesson right dwn. boring lah. im just following those steps blindly.
MMWD test this thur. dead! RWPS seems chim too..

i think im serious abt getting a part time job. hrrrmm.. shall go hunt for jobs alrdy.

shall ask mama if she’s willing to pay for another levis for me. guess she will prob ask me to dream on or sort.
*keeping my fingers crossed*

having this feedback session later on and its gg to drag till 6 lah. damn.. im soo sleepy alrdy.

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*// font too big?

May 27, 2006 Leave a comment

a.. is this font kinda TOO BIG?

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*// omg. poor pi

May 27, 2006 Leave a comment

finished watching yamashita’s daite senorita perf on MS this fri.
OMG.. although im his fans, i laughed at him when he fell! ooopss.. i just cnt help it.
i find it v amusing, cos he was actually singing live at the starting of the song den he started lip syncing. mayb becos of the so “powerful” dance steps lah. he was actually exerting lots of force on those dance steps. hahhaa.. ya! he need a bra!! the dance is kinda ero i think… hahhaa

he din fall actually. he accidently hit the mic stand and it dropped, he was trying to catch it in time but din managed too, so he lost his balance. he actually hv to hop the mic stand so that it wont expose that he’s actually lip syncing. seee.. that’s the bad point abt lip sync. he cnt be like WaT, just cont standing there and singing although we cnt hear a thing when their mic stands drop.

mayb we won’t see yamapi performing with a mic stand in the near future, cos he prob hv phobia for mic stands alrdy. hahhahaa.. i guess his right shoulder must be aching after the perf cos he carried this heavy looking fur on it. but i think they are used to the amt on weight they carry on themselves during perfs or cons alrdy.

so is that thingy tsk ah or ke ah? hahhaa. and i think mr johnny really loves goody goody hand sign. hahha

off to bed alrdy. since all of them are slping alrdy and i’ve no one to chat with at msn.
o ya, i feel like layering my hair! hope its gg to look fine~

Categories: Uncategorized

*// in love with belly earrings

May 27, 2006 Leave a comment

OMG… i wanna get more belly earrings. i hv alrdy gt 2 at hm and 1 is on the way. but its so irresistible lah.
the tinkerbell one which the organiser din manage to get last time is back again!
and there’s this new anchor one which i love too!!
money hurry come to me pls~~~

i’ve so much stuffs in mind to get lah. i wanna get everything!
the bag i saw that day from bugis, sharp tipped covered heels and ETC, ETC..
the list is never ending lah. its the truth. once i gt those stuffs that i stated above, there will be new stuffs that i spot and wanna get! ARGH
im seriously thinking of getting a part time job since i love spending so much and i dun think my parents will be able to support a spendthrift like me. so the best way out is to earn my own money and spend my own money. but i hate finding jobs!!! >.< so im simply waiting jobs to find me meaning i will hv to wait for like forever!!! =(((

hope my parents strike lottery today! =P

i’ve a bad feeling that my bro din get anything back for me. =(

Categories: Uncategorized

*// the next big thing – CCK boy

May 26, 2006 Leave a comment

So what’s the next big thing after NUM, S&K etc… here cums cck boy!! hahhaa.
ya! its the guy we met on LRT the other day. the guy who stays ard phoenix area. hahahha. pf met him several times before. jian lah. kept telling us that she’s so fated to see him loh. PUI!! =X hahhaha

guess we will be hanging ard lot 1 or mayb at the LRT platform more often alrdy! HAHA
we love eyecandies =)

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May 26, 2006 Leave a comment

hais.. i think im gg to flung my BA test. studied and practiced so much during the break. but its still of no use. =( im just hoping for a pass. yups.. just a pass will do. its 20% weightage lah! ARGH!!! i hate reducing balance method of depreciation!! heard that there’s no retest for this test, so i better get a pass!!!

there’s something wrg with my hp. i cnt receive msg i think. try switching off and on-ing my hp and phew~ its working alright now.
there’s oso sumting wrg with my friendster lah. i cnt view my home page! WTH is happening to all those stuffs ard me?!

there’s MMWD and RWPS test next week. OMG.. MMWD.. DEAD LAH!
time to pull up my socks and start wrking on all my modules!

think im going to get my queenshop & cutiefashion stuffs soon~!!! ^ ^

off to bathe. 88

Categories: Uncategorized

*// econs test

May 25, 2006 Leave a comment

econs test later on.
im kinda confused alrdy, demand & supply, qty demanded and stuffs. lots of graphs to remb too..
i nd loads of luck later on..

BA test tml! DOKI DOKI!!!

Categories: Uncategorized

*// photos!!!

May 24, 2006 Leave a comment


19th MAY 2006 (fri)

board on this really old bus that day frm je to jp. just look at the sliding door. 0.0 my 1st time boarding this kinda really lok cok bus.

us on the train. i wasnt opening my mouth on purpose. i was yawning halfway when LT snapped it! hahhaa

my real face! hahhaa..

awww.. my disfigured square piggy~!!

while waiting for the shutter bus to IMM.

thanks for the cake! ;D happy new year, pull my ears. =P


20th MAY 2006 (sat)

pizza at lucky plaza. PS one is much nicer lah.

i love this pic! =)
hahhaa.. thanks pf for snapping it at the right time when we were taking pic on another hp.

the 3 jiao lian

3rd party huh..

there’s still many pics actually, but most of them are quite blurred cos we took it using the front cam of pf’s hp..

went town and bugis with sy after sch ytd.
saw nice bags frm bugis! but those straw bags r far too costly. hopefully my bro can find similar ones for me in bk. oh! he’s flying tml alrdy. and will be back only on sun. i think im gg to miss him. hahhaha =P
was really tempted to gt bags frm the auntie. cos those bags are really nice lah. exactly wad im looking for! cnt make my decision on the spot, so i told auntie that i go withdraw money 1st den cum back to gt the bag. hahahha.. but i din! =X
cos i think i shld see if my bro gt anything back for me on sun before i gt that bag. yups!
gt nice pants frm bugis! i love it!! =)

gotta go study for my econs test tml! hais!!!
im nt in the mood to study lah!!
BA test on fri. DEAD!!!

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