
Archive for August, 2006

*// yellow guy

August 30, 2006 Leave a comment

went bugis with mummy ard noon.
hv lunch, walked ard.
went to money changer to check exchange rates.
many dun hv twd at all.
so after praying and shopping we still decided to go back to the changer at seiyu to exchange.

while we’re waiting for the person to count the money, 2 guys walked in.
OMG! its yellow guy and his fren!!! damn qiao lah and zhun also. its like just the right time!
think yellow guy recognised me lah. and i was trying to lower my head and avoid looking at him.
so he saw us changing twd and his reaction was “wah… you jia xiang de peng you!”
hahhaha.. he sounds excited lah. and he used jia xiang => hometown?! LOL.
so he’s actually frm tw not mainland or where ever. hahaha
then he cont talking and talking. he’s changing usd to sgd.
so when we were leaving he’s still talking and talking. and he bend dwn trying to look at my face cos my head is lowered.
damn kpo lah. and my mummy entertained him too. she told him im gg tw to play.
when we were out of the shop my mummy still tell me that 2 guys v goodlooking lah and ask if they are some artistes. hahhaha.. only yellow guy(he’s wearing black singlet today) is shuai lah, his fren is just so-so.
hahaa.. anyway, mummy gt good taste.
lol.. i think we are just so fated to meet lah.
mayb we will meet at airport tml also? hahhaha…
too much!

went um after that.
met another winner frm 933. she’s alone, as in unlike mine cos i can bring another person along.
she seems quite friendly. hopefully we can all get along tgt.
jia hui will be travelling with us also.

aiya.. wasted lah. i wanna go for his events on sun tooooo.
hopefully we will be able to see him on fri. i wanna see him!

ok.. will be departing tml at ard noon via br226.
i will be back v soon girls!!!

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*// xiao mei

August 28, 2006 Leave a comment

went to see xiao mei just now.
cabbed over to htl to wait for him. wow.. damn high class htl lah.
saw him coming out. shasha is quite tall actually. and he’s wearing bright pink to match what na dou is wearing.
hahahhaa.. his gong guan really looks like na dou lah.

went bugis after that. so many fans can unlike last time.
hahhaa.. din go for the event at 7pm went for the next one instead.
those helpers were really too much. must they be so anxious abt it. kept shouting so loudly and repeating their sentences! damn irritating lah.
ok.. then finally its really them in the lift.
human barricades infront of us. but agnes and me still managed to “hi” into his face at the same time! hahahhaha
he kinda gt a shocked but he replied i think.
gei gao us went to shop ard after that and din even realised the event ended alrdy.

anyway, got to know later that he’s over at the zara beside wheellock.
trained there… saving money cos we spent too much on the cab fare to and fro the htl just now.
reached zara. sha sha was ready alrdy. she’s friendly lah. kept smiling.
went upstairs to take a look at xiao mei.

expected! he’s still luping on clothes and touching everything that catches his eyes. he’s still like before. always keeping ppl waiting. and he’s letting a girl to wait for him somemore. tsk!
fu yan smile appeared again.
yellow guy is not bad looking lah. hahhaa.. but he shld shave!
yellow guy was browsing for clothes too. but he browsed v long and din gt anything i think.
at that point… we were looking at yellow guy and ignoring our bestie. hahhaa
bestie must hv tot im bitching abt him cos im standing with that posture having my arms crossed so he looked over and he gave me a smile surprisingly! hahahhaa
ok lah.. i was just commenting that he din fold back the clothes that he took frm the rack.

waited for bestie to touch finish all those clothes at the section..
meanwhile, yellow guy was still browsing for clothes with his frens. i din know those was his frens initially and so i commented abt him when his frens were quite near me. i think they heard what i said lah. knnn
heard xiao mei asking if he bought too much alrdy.
sha sha came up after that. ok.. must hv waited until sian alrdy lah. really V long lah.
she told xiao mei combi is waiting outside alrdy. meaning asking him to hurry.
and this xiao mei still dare to ask them to wait a while and he bend dwn to take a look at the shoes.
really bth! ppl came up to ask him to hurry alrdy and he still wanna look somemore.
even the lady hv to tell him tat he hv gt enough shoes alrdy so stop buying shoes.
so he reluctantly put dwn the shoes and went to make payment.

i think its only after we went to peep at the cashier at the sum of those clothings then he realised tat its OMG so exp alrdy.
$470 plus i think.
but can be expected. cos he really bought quite alot.
think he gt a shocked at the amt also. then started whispering to na dou abt it. then after that everyone was standing near and looking at the sum jumping.
hahhaa.. he said someting like everytime he cum sg also spent alot.
and he showed a xing tong expression also.

walked out after that. he’s signing some stuffs inside the combi.
they tot those stuffs belong to us lah. hahaha
fu yan smile again…. waved bye and all.

they went for dinner after that. din follow cos we were thinking its v ma fan to go hm frm htl after that.

OH YES! im soo happy cos i will gt to see him on my trip!
damn excited lah. i tot we wont hv the chance cos there’s like no events alrdy.
but winnie just told me that they will be gg to see him on fri so we can all go tgt.
damn lucky again can.. and i can get to meet them also. =)
everything is so well planned for me you see.. since his trip to KL is cancelled, they let me gt the chance to see him in tw. heeeees
but im afraid we will be rushing that day. cos we hv to attend energy concert after that.
they better dun clash i tell u.

many things to do tml. gt haircut, trim brows (hopefully), change my passport photo… have to check for exchange rates also.
this is soo rush lah….
i think its becos they knew it that we cnt wait for it.

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*// TW!!!

August 28, 2006 Leave a comment

its unbelievable how lucky im!

im gg to TW v soon!!!! =D
omg.. im so excited can. but its a little short though.
hope i hv enough time to shop.
im longing to go wu fen pu, shilin and xmd. =P

meet agnes later to see bestie and discuss abt our trip too.

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*// new layout

August 27, 2006 Leave a comment

got a new skin.
was v sick of the brown one alrdy and i told myself i hv to change it fast!
din spot any nice skins recently. so i just grabbed one frm those skin-of-the-day section.
hv prob aligning my tagboard so i just left it like so out of the space. hahahaa

i think im really getting V lazy!
watched 3 or 4 epis of silence today and just snacked ard.
its getting boring. i’ve stuffs to do but im just not in the mood now.
ok.. mayb just let me slack a few more days and i will embark on my plans for the holiday.
hope its ONLY a few days…….

dunno if i shld gt concession for this mth.
but i think i shld.. cos i will be gg out quite often i guess.

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*// hungry me!

August 26, 2006 Leave a comment

m v hungry right now….

im craving for sizzling fish and chips platter frm ps. i cnt remb the name of the shop though.
its V yummy!
unlike the one i had for brunch today. its obviously a fake! the plate is not even sizzling. =(

my father says he’s gg to gt me bbq chicken wings over the phone just now.
but he’s still nt back home yet.
how long will i still hv to wait?
im so hungry…..
and im biting my nails.. so pathetic T.T

hahhahhaa.. he’s back alrdy!
just nice! must hv heard me wailing for food!

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*// outt

August 26, 2006 Leave a comment

listening to energy’s album right now.
so far… ai shi kong is still the nicest song. =P
miao sha is soo mayday. and the chorus part sounds similar to some other song i think. cos it sounds so familiar. but i cnt remb which song issit.
great! can hear kunda singing quite alot in the album. esp in wu lai i think. but i haven finish listening to the whole album yet. mayb he will be singing even more in those songs later.
ok lah. compared to last time, he’s singing improved quite a lot.

went cd shop to check out their new album just now.
free bag(while stock last) for every album puchased.
bag?! ok lah… at least its better than a poster. although both is quite useless still.
its free poster in tw i think.
mummy tot i wanna get it. then she suggested that i shld get it when they come for promo instead. hahahhaha.. of cos i know that.
i think mummy is not bad lah. she knows quite alot abt energy. i can still remb those days when she can sing energy’s songs. hahhahaha.. duo ai wo yi tian i think.
she watched yu bai with me ytd also. and the other day when she saw xing ren lei’s mv she commented that why their hit song always sounds similar. hrm… its always that kinda style lah.

had a v filling brunch just now. its prob gg to last me the whole day.
wanted to gt sushi ingredients and make sushi today. but im quite full alrdy so i suggested that we shld make it another day.
got a pendant just now. and i forgt that i hv to repair my necklace first…….

have to watch enews later. they better play the 2nd part of cy trip to tai dong!..

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*// holidays

August 25, 2006 Leave a comment


marks the end of the 3rd sem which is equivalent to the 1st sem of my 2nd yr.

econs was quite alright. those questions were quite ok. not that tough. i was so afraid that i will hv mental block or something cos i studied alot last min. and was so relieved that it din happen. hope i can score well for it lah.

o ya. met KL on bus just now. today is her last paper too.
wanted to meet out tml but i not sure if im gg out with mummy. so we are planning to meet next weekend instead.

saw goldie’s pink nintendo. aw~ its so pretty in pink!
din join them for shopping after econs paper cos im too tired to shop.
slept barely 4 hrs last night cos i was trying to gt the shapes of all those curves into my head.

holidays….hrm… i shall spend my time wisely. hahhahaa
job job job!!! i wan a job!!! i wanna earn my own monneh.
i wanna DIY too.
tidy my room.
start playing with my keyboard before mummy starts nagging again.
and many many many more!!! endless stuffs that i wanna do….

first… let me clear my shows first! =D

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*// ai shi kong

August 24, 2006 Leave a comment

ai shi kong is damn nice!
kunda is soo talented!!!!
ah di voice is powerful…
ah di’s blog is interesting as in those photos he posted.
there’s toro inside too…

ok.. enough. stop…
back to study… =(

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*// study study study

August 24, 2006 Leave a comment

oh damn. i cnt seem to concentrate. and im left with quite alot to study. =
hais.. this sem just dun seems right. everything went wrong.
ok lah. mayb the problem lies in me and all.
my GPA is really gonna be lousy for this sem.
i better buck up during next sem and wrk much harder to gt better results.

i betta get back to study my econs.
cos its a yr long module and i hv to score well for it!
studying 12 topics for that 20%?! ahhhhhhhhhhhhh~~~

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August 22, 2006 Leave a comment


they are gg to have concert at zhong zheng ji nian tang once again.
but…. its only left with 3 of em now. HAIS
i can still remb..
2002 summer. the 5 of them performing on the stage at zhong zheng ji nian tang………………….
the energy level, the tears, the fun…..
the stage will definately look more empty now as compared to the one 4 yrs ago.
nevertheless, the energy spirit will still be there. and there’s still kunda =)
they will carry on the spirit with them and say… “1~~2~~3~~ENERGY~~加油!!!”

toro will be present for the concert too.
but his role hv changed. from a performer to an audience.
thats the decision he made 3 yrs ago. there’s no right or wrong with the choice he made.
he’s just unfortunate i guess.
unlucky to be under sun de rong.
unlucky that typhoon din became popular…
anyway, its great to hear that he will be present for the concert.
so what abt niu nai? will he be there on 1/9 too?
hope he will since he used to be the leader.
and i bet… lots of memories will flash in their minds again.
so they will most probably just start crying again. hahahhahaa

saw the news abt them having con at enews just now.
hahahhaa.. sw started giving out bananas to their fans and some reporters.
its so right to let him do the job. lol

they appeared on yu bai also.
those extended hairy hands are really frightening!
kunda changed his hairstyle alrdy.
shorter now. and make him looks more chubby i think.
oooo.. kunda wrote a song and its gg to be the 2nd hit song – ai shi kong.

omg. i sudd hv an idea.
its sucha good time to go tw.
1/9 for eg con.
2/9 for MTV con. can get to see w-inds and many more artistes.
stay longer till 16/9 to catch a glimpse of arashi
and its towards the end of summer season alrdy. meaning summer clothings will be on sale!
moreover. in addition. its holidays!!!!
any da hao ren out there raise funds for me and my clique pls…..

i better stop dreaming and go watch azio enews. cy~~~

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