
Archive for November, 2006

*// lazy meeee…

November 29, 2006 Leave a comment

im too lazy to blog recently.


shall update an entry on kailin’s bday after i got all the photos.

have to complete WEC webpage editing by fri but i havent start on anything yet.

i can’t wait for pay day!

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*// thursday fun

November 24, 2006 Leave a comment


siyi drove and fetch me up in sch and we went imm..
got earrings from diva at a steal. hahhaa..

was feeling awful ytd. i felt that there’s something sucked in my throat. 0.0
i thought its the capsule that i swallowed the night before i went to bed get sucked.
but it cnt be cause it should be dissolve by then. so i totally have no idea what got hang in the middle of my throat. =(

liting and linda came and join us later on.
went to enquire about the z610i. and the sales man got so agitated can! hahahha
liting was so bth that she ran out of the shop.
after so much of enquiring, the person didnt clear my doubts at all. =.=
he was just telling me.. you want anything singtel also have. singtel can give you anything you want.
anyway, pink is sorta oos in many stores alrdy.
so i guess i have to place order if im really getting it.

went for lunch/dinner and did a little on catching up.
cant wait for this sat’s gathering man.. guess we will be going vivo?

they send me to work after that and went off to swim.
awww.. i wanna swim tooo… but i have to work… =(

btw.. im now wearing the mphosis slip on i got from siyi ytd and i can see the underside of my feet getting black alrdy. ahhahas

we’re doing portfolios for WEC right now. hoooohoooo.. i haven complete mine. =P

oh shit.. tummyache. ><

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*// our past….

November 22, 2006 Leave a comment

got my new skin published. but i guess i will be changing it soon again. cause i find those sidebars too bright! haha

stayed back for ITP briefing just now and im now looking thrgh the list of companies we are offered. wah lao.. i don’t think there’s enough slots for like 100 students?
i really hope i will get the NTU one. because its just nearby my area and i think its safe too. unlike tuas and pandan loop.. and those companies in tuas and pandan loop only offered 1 slot each. = =
the advertising company also seems interesting but its located at playfair road which i dunno where. hahhaa

got back our stats paper. i got a B. which i think its no good at all..
because i made stupid careless mistake. i wasted 9 marks just because of a calculation error! ><

was flipping thrgh my friendster testimonals just now. hahaha… i know im bo liao.
anyway, more than 50% of my testimonals are from pf, agnes and jw.
and i dunno y i have got many repeated testimonals. i think its friendster’s problem.
then i remembered receiving bday testimonals from unexpected people. hahha
and those days when we stayed till late at night early in the morning typing testimonals in han yu ping yin. HAHA
plus some dicussions we had over the time.
-jurong VS redhill
-0.6, xiao le or fa tiao
-who being the cf of blah blah blah
and many more…

also recalled some of the comments people wrote about me:
-my big eyes
-my laughter
-saying i look like fish leong which is hilarious! = =
-my dimple being a defect!!!!

and i bet most people will have at least 1 testimonal which TyPeS LiKe ThAT RiGhT!
tHiS Is IrRiTAtInG!
readability wise its not readable! haha.. this is when WEC comes in. lol…

i need a haircut soon!
i wanna get lactose bag! hope its still on sale man…

i wanna sleep early tonight!

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*// gooo niiiii

November 20, 2006 Leave a comment

wanted to change my blogskin just now. but i was too lazy. =p
watched 4 epis of goong today. i started watching the drama before chn u telecast it. but… im progressing slower than what chn u is playing now. hahhaas

can’t stop laughing when i watched niu niu’s kui lei MV just now. muahaha
its ………………..

and im looking forward to see his dian shui qing ting’s MV.
they had an audition for the mv’s female lead sometime earlier on.
i wonder how will the storyline for the mv be like.

got to know our econs marks today. got a c… its bad!
could have easily got a b instead if i practice more on my calculations.
nvm.. like what the tutor said.. its 10% weightage ONLY~~~~
= =

i wanna get a school bag! (ok.. i know its random)

Liting’s done with her As! yippesss

gathering this sat. ^ ^
birthday girl is giving us free air tickets to new york.

lesson at 8am tml. =(
time for bed!

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*// FAT!

November 19, 2006 Leave a comment

have been eating lots of fattening stuffs these few days.
just ate fish head curry and bak kut teh for dinner just now.
and my father bought spring chicken for supper ytd…
so fattening can..

im putting on weight. T.T
my mother even asked if i wanna go see a doctor abt my tummy and check whats inside.
yah.. its that bad!

Categories: Uncategorized

*// brunei boy again…

November 19, 2006 Leave a comment

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

The xing Xing Ren Leis?!!!

his new discovery – a banana a day keeps u away from the doctor. lol?
hua yang shao nian shao nu will start airing today. =) i wanna watch it!
the drama is named hanakimi in eng or rather jap.
and mr goh kiat chun cnt wait to watch it because he will be using his own voice this time round.

watched SHE’s zen me ban MV just now. which is i think the theme song for hanakimi.
selina is pretty inside. although the main lead shld be ella instead. hahaha.. goh kiat chun is featured in the mv also.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
OMG… who is this???


anyway, this guy just came back from his 15days of promo in china and i think his album is not even released in china yet!

those media in china reported that he was being harassed during his stay there.
so when he came back people ask what exactly those ppl did to him.
he said they just chase and followed him.
so those cheena media actually considered that as an act of harassement to an artiste?!
he told them that he actually don’t mind and mentioned something about sg.

school tml.

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*// catching up…

November 18, 2006 Leave a comment

WARNING: this is a rojak entry.

im exhausted!

travelled all the way to school for gems ytd.
reached and found out the whole LT was EMPTY! damn it…
totally waste of my time, i could have slept longer lah.
there was no annoucement that gems will be cancelled.
i think the lecturer probably let everyone go because its mst week and some ppl will still be having paper after that. but i was only late for like 10mins and i missed it?!
the lecturer better mark everyone present for ytd lah!

anyway, since there was no gems and im only meeting siyi at 3pm.
i went library and rot in the meantime……
library was quite crowded, seems like many were preparing for their paper.
i actually felt stressful looking at them studying that hard. and i was telling myself thank god my papers are over!
ok lah. i know nth big deal. its just mst for goddness sake!!

i spent during shopping ytd. bought clothes again…
luckily i didn’t get any bottoms, or else i will be spending even more which is tsk tsk tsk…
saw nice heels ytd!!!! OMG…..its pretty pretty…
BUT. NO! i cnt get any more new shoes at the moment.

met siyi after work today cause she need to exchange her tube.
didn’t spend money on shopping today. i just spent money on lunch.
but… i ordered clothes from mphosis. ordered the dress and a formal pants.
luckily i only have to pay for them next mth. just nice when my next pay comes in.
ok… im not going to get any more clothes till 2007. =))))
i need to save man!

heard from chee kai that there will be a IT fair somewhere end of this month.
and i planning to look out for great deals for digi cams.
but seems like i will have to go do some negotiating first.. ><

i feel like getting SE Z610i in pink… me loves it. =P
i dunno what my father is going to do with his plan. seems like theres a lot of saying but no actions done so far. = =

i think i cant catch up with BBT at all…
agnes was telling me they have this new grp formed. so who exactly is ah wei and wei lian…
totally no idea pls. because i haven even watch till the epi with new bbts… =D
see… im that slow in watching!

work tml..
i hate the new system. its giving us a lot of problems and worst of all, no one knows how to operate it lah.
they thought i know a little since im the youngest there and most IT educated.
but so sorry.. im just as clueless as they are.

enough of rubbish…
i wanna catch some shows…

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*// relaxation…

November 16, 2006 Leave a comment

MST is finally over! wheeees
finally time for some good rest…

im quite worried about my results. seems like my luck wasnt with me for the past few days. =(

econs was bad. studied A LOT. and those which i didn’t really focus on was tested instead.

wsd was still managable. did a little here and there. should be alright since edwin will mark according to the codings.

stats. i think it was bad too. a lot on theory yet i didn’t memorise them well. and its like 6 or 8 marks for it. =(

ecm was ok. thank god its mcqs.

FMA today was confusing. hahahha. i think i have errors in calculations here and there.

just hope that i can score for all modules lah. although i doubt so. ><

no school tml but i still have to go back for GEMS. wanted to skip actually but i skipped once before, so its safer to go.
and i will be meeting siyi after gems tml for shopping.

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*// break time..

November 12, 2006 Leave a comment

oh god…
im stressed.
econs is killing me!

last min work is really noooo goood.. but quite effective though. =p
just hope that i will be that lucky this time round.
i need lucksss for the rest of the week…

im now worried for stats paper on tue. i haven start on anything yet.
and wsd paper will only finish at 4pm tml. by the time i reach home, bathe and stuffs, i wont have much time left to study alrdy. ><

haven’t study for wsd paper too.
but luckily its open book and we have like 5 hrs break before the paper starts so it should be alright.

will be working quite a lot this week.
hopefully my schedule will be changed and i can work that much after this week also.

back to study….


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*// just before i start mugging…

November 11, 2006 Leave a comment

worked in the morn.
cabbed to work today cause’ i met evelyn when i was about to cross the road and so i just hop on to her cab.
the new program isn’t ready yet. so we just did some data entry and left.

did shopping yesterday.
went town.
siyi was looking for dress. and after searching thrgh many stores she got a vintage one.
somehow, i dunno how, time passed v fast yesterday.
got necklace. and i still cnt decide which bag to get.
the patent one or cloth with charms one.
but they don’t have the red colour for the cloth bag alrdy. only left with black and khaki colour i think. and the black is not pure black. its greyish. not really nice.
anyway, i don’t bear to spend the money also. i shall have to consider AGAIN.
i have to spend my hard earned money WISELY!
got heels from tinkerbell, not planning to get it actually. but since it was on sales so why not.

went over to centerpoint.
they have this mtm eyemask promotion at the atrium. the eyemask is the one they have been promoting on tv recently, the panda one.
was asked to go for the trial.
the lady asked if we’re sisters cause we only have 1 word different in our chinese name.
and siyi told her we’re not, we’re cousins instead. haha
so she started explaining the product to us and let us try on the eyemask.
i think the effect is so-so only. but mummy says the difference is quite obvious.
but the price is too steep! din expect it to be that costly. i guess because its custom blend so the price is much more exp than normal ones.
went mphosis to look for jie ying.
ordered a pair of slip-on.
we went to try on the dress, its quite pretty. but it doesn’t really fits me at the bottom.
ok lah. maybe i can try getting it then slip it on my chair for like an hr. hahhahaha.

ah pui came and fetch us when we were done.
went botak jones for supper before going home. so its actually at the hawker near my workplace. din know its that famous!
the serving is v big and i was damn full after eating.
went to meet lichang before heading home. she looks tired from her attachment.
we shall meet very soon. liting will be done with her As in just another 9 days. =)))

its raining cats and dogs outside.
justa right weather to catch some sleep!

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