
Archive for December, 2006

*// last entry for 2006

December 31, 2006 Leave a comment

its the last day of 2006!

nah…. didn’t go for any countdown today, i was too lazy to travel to the city.
met kailin for dinner just now, shopped a little and went to grab some snacks before heading for home.

yups… its time for me to think of my new yr resolution and i need to get my 2007 organiser! hahahha… wanted to get it just now but they don’t hv the color i want, so i’ve decided that i shall get it another time since its quite awful to stare at some ugly color for a yr right!

off to get my ASOS clutch. =))))

byes people. it will be 2007 in 20mins time!!!!

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*// one down

December 29, 2006 Leave a comment

im done with my WEC assignment, though i think my form is really kinda fu yan~ but i really hv no idea what else to add on.

going to catch more epis of my girl later on. watched the first epi just now and its nice. =) my mother hv been urging me to watch it like since 2 weeks ago. she hv alrdy finished watching and she thinks its a v nice show so she wants me to watch it too…
i also wanna start on hua yang soon… not forgetting i still hv pasta in my hdd.
doramas marathon! GO…..

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*// the last min thing

December 29, 2006 Leave a comment

im suppose to be rushing for my WEC assignment right now but i just can’t concentrate on doing it! So i hv decided to excuse myself and promise to complete it after posting this entry.
i will.. or rather, i HAVE TO…
the dateline is today and im only starting on it now!? good luck to myself man!

went shopping ytd. didn’t plan to go out actually, all thanks to the last min meetup for the paddington bag. and if i don’t turn up i will have to fork out another 4 bucks more to opt for postage. kailin was really nice to accompany me all the way to town to collect it. =)
the pink one is oos and so i got my alt color which is grey. hrm…. grey is so-so only. it would be lovely if pink is in stock lah! cause the pink is going to look really nice in real life i think. but nvm.. im still going to love the grey one.
how i miss carrying my orange motorcycle bag… anyone know of any shop that repair bags? pls let me know kays.

shopped ard in town after having our lunch. sales are going on in practically every store! but nth much to get though. im only eyeing for the sweater at pull & bear but they only left the ivory color. decided to go over to vivo since they have much more varieties over there.
siyi came and join us at vivo also… gave up on getting the sweater cause it doesnt fit nicely.
spent on a pair of skinny jeans and belt ytd. asked for the velour jacket but seems like none uds which one im refering to. anyway, i found the grey one in stores. but black one is oos again! so i guess i can assume that its oos island wide?
ate the korea french fries sausage on the way to carpark and many who walked pass stared. tsk! 0.0 issit really that awful looking?!

anyway… im really broke now after all the shopping this mth. not forgetting i still have many stuffs to get before the gst increment in feb. =C
seems like i really spent all and saved none since i started working. not a good sign uh!

2006 is coming to a end…
and we will be counting down to 2007 in just 2 days! its so unbelievable right! at least to me…
school to reopen in 9 days time.
im going to be like a superwoman and complete my hols assignments, projects and revision in this 9 days.
i want this hols to start all over again! booooo…

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December 25, 2006 Leave a comment


reached home only at 6am in the morn.

towned ytd with jingwen, peifen, agnes, samm and gerry.
it was crowded as expected, but thank god the rain stopped and it didn’t dampen our moods. had dinner at cine’s cafe cartel, waited for quite a long time to get seated. and we got duper good seats for us to comment on ppl. hahhahaa

can’t decide on where to go after dinner. but… we need to find a hide out from those sprays lah. ended up in Balcony. we sat by the sofa and we had great view again! hahaha…passionate show going on this time round. lol….
they gave out those party sets for countdwn purpose.
5-4-3-2-1 merry xmas! and pls lah. both of them really huo chu qu the second when everyone shouted “merry xmas”! hahahhahaa… bth!

we all got so scared when we have to leave the place to outside cause those sprays were going on alrdy. and the way we walked thrgh the crowd was quite funny, we have to act zhen ding to show ppl that we were not scared while trying to walk at fast pace to get to the indoor asap.
luckily i only got sprayed a little cause it accidentally landed on me when some gundos wanted to spray on some other gundos.
wah lao.. they shld really ban those sprays lah. everyone shld wave and greet each other “merry xmas” instead of using the sprays. hahaha

left town at 12 plus then back to jp.

siyi came and drove kailin and me to west coast park. slacked and had supper at mac while surfing the net. i just remb i ate a lot ytd! tsk….
then went to the park and played fire crackers. and i realised many ppl love singing in the park. must be because of the high kbox charge ytd so many couldnt afford it and shifted their singing session to the park. hahhahaa
but kbox was really exp ytd. $37 for just a few hrs. not worth it at all lah!
i shldnt hv wore my heels out ytd. firstly, my heels hurt both jw and agnes’s toes ytd (sorry), and it got dirty when i walked thrgh the sand in the park.

low disk space detected.
i need to clear my shows! esp bbt…

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*// just for laugh

December 23, 2006 Leave a comment
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*// updates on the week

December 23, 2006 Leave a comment

HA… 12 hours of sleeep today. =)

towned with peifen and agnes. shopped.. and damn it cause it was raining again. its was pouring for 2 consecutive days alrdy. and you know, rainy days really dampens one’s mood.
went to meet samm they all. thanks samm for the chocos! ^^ but those chocos really kinda burnt my throat lah. im that lan. hahahhaa
had a hard time helping agnes to seek for the desired $15 present. hahahha… and she ended up getting something more than the budget. no choice lah.
rushed of for work and i bought a kimono top on my way. i really bought it fast cause it was cheap and im rushing for time.
as expected, i was late for work after that. =X
luckily no one questioned or what, they just said caught up in the rain right! hahhaa

shopping at vivo city with mummy. it was crowded as many were shopping for xmas gifts.
i can conclude that mothers think alike as my mother don’t let me get that belt too. according to them, its not worth it at all.
but never mind, i still placed reserve for it as all of us wanna get it too.
went off to meet the girls at town after that. i boarded the new train, i dunno if its new but its my first time boarding it though.
the crowd at town was worst as expected. tsk…
shopped more… took photos with the lightnings and xmas decos too. they are so pretty!
many performances going on along the road. and some really scares us off… yah. im referring to those tall men! hahhaha… liting, lichang and me were really scared of them because of their masks. they knew we were scared so they played with us. hahaha.. one of them was trying so hard to convince liting that he’s a human. lol.. like we don’t know like that.
anyway, town was happening that day.
got pressies for liting too… hope she loves it. she told us she does.
went NUM to get siyi and linda’s slippers. i think their standards really dropped lah. hahhaa
and lastly, to hongkong cafe for our supper! mango ice was nice. yum yum~~~
i really enjoy having these kinda more on they way kays. =))
o yah. when’s the 4E1 gathering?! i better nudge fucai man… hahhaa


worked till ard 5pm then went my grandparent’s hse for dinner. i though im supposed to go there to eat tang yuan. but i ate none. they didn’t even cook them. hur…. but luckily the dinner was filling.
rushed home and prepared. siyi came and fetch us and we went greatworld.
got my victoria secrets body splash from siyi. oh… it smells damn nice. got the strawberries and champagne and the love spell ones. pure seduction smells nice too!

after all the fun i had this week, im broke! booos!

and thanks to those organisers for organising sprees on stuffs i wanna get during this season when im so broke. =(

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say bye bye to it or what? 3rd bag in the mth? but this is really nice. as in simple and nice. and not forgetting its steep price also.

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johnson’s lookalike shorts.

tell me if im splurging or what….

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*// abnn’s house

December 22, 2006 Leave a comment

im now blogging at kailin’s room while others are busy in the kitchen cooking campbell soup for me. yah.. i guess for me? hahahha
kailin’s lappy is soo tiny and the keypad area is too cramp!

anyway, went liquid kitchen just now. its our first time to a pub cause liting finally turned 18 today! or rather ytd lah…
and the mangement of the pub was so nice as they prepared a cheese cake for liting and the best part was its on the house. =) and surprisingly, a girl sitting beside our table was celebrating her bday just now too.
had a nice time chatting and sharing ghost stories. wah lao…. those stories provided by lichang and her wind are so uber scary lah.
okie.. photos to be up soon…

only 2 weeks of hols left and i still have many things to be complete. =(

i have quite many stuffs to update on that happened the past few days too… but im only going to do that when im back at hm.
soup is ready alrdy. i better go to the kitchen before its gone!


oh ya..
not to forget…

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*// boring monday….

December 18, 2006 Leave a comment

its only the start of the hols and its getting boring?

stayed at home today. wanted to go temple and pray in the morn but i can’t wake up early enough and mummy hv to attend her yoga class alrdy.
ya… she signed up for yoga class! 0.0

was clearing shows today. and was surprised to find some shows that i didnt know i actually have them in my comp. like for eg, chenyi’s tv special and some flh stuffs.
i sudd miss bestie a lot… lol.
cleared some epis of bbt also cause they are simply taking too much space in my hdd. bbt is kinda boring w/o gua gua. no more dumb questions asked and i miss seeing him stumbling on the kai chang wu’s steps. awww~~~

this is kinda random.
but i happened to watch a interview with jerry yan on channel newsasia ytd.
and i realised, its have alrdy been 6 yrs since meteor garden? meaning F4 actually chu dao for 6 yrs alrdy?
omg… then jerry yan must be like 30 plus years old now i guess? hahahhaa
but i cnt believe 6 years actually past that fast. also i’ve kept the set of vcd in my cupboard for 6 yrs. hahaha

ok. and for tml:
praying in the morn, shopping in the noon and working in the evening.

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*// LOL wu chun

December 16, 2006 Leave a comment

hahhaa.. just finished read wu chun’s latest blog entry and its funny and entertaining as usual.
i did realise that he didnt remind people to eat more fruits and drink more water alrdy! hahah
anyway, according to him we are all rubber bands and need to be stretched to be effective. =.=

Holidays are here….
edwin made the whole class sang christmas song on the last day of school. hahahs… i burst out laughing can. the class also sang birthday songs for those dec babies, im happy for at least our class have this team spirit in us. =)

handed up our ecm report part 2 on fri too. hopefully we will score well this time round. all of us hope we can lah.
oh ya. and about the feedback, i really hope those lecturers and tutors won’t know who are them from. =x

so we will probably only be busy with our wsd project this holidays. and also some revision to be done before sch reopens as next term is gonna be uber short for like only 3 weeks.

i wanna shop next week! sales are tempting but i think all nice stuffs hv alrdy been snatched. =(

i better go to slp soon. only 5 hrs of sleep left! 0.0

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*// X 1 (chenyi)

December 15, 2006 Leave a comment

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seems like he has been v busy lately. he doesnt even have time to shave uh. hahaha

his upcoming works:

– new book “打造花美男” to be released on 8th jan 2007
this is going to be his 3rd book. so basically you can tell what’s the content abt from its title – skincare for men.
he mentioned that his first book “”老闆來之0.6的筆”” was released on 18/12/2004. WOW… meaning i’ve been supporting him for like almost 3 yrs?! hahaha… ok lah. not supporting actually. just plainly noticing. since i din even own any of his books at all. haha. i only supported him when they all claimed that xiao le is better looking. hahaha. =p

– new album estimated to be released somewhere ard the beginning of 2007.
its his 2nd album and i think there’s some self composed stuffs in it. alrdy halfway done so i think its gonna be released quite soon.

-new drama “惡女阿楚”
filming the drama tgt with shao wei and qiao qiao who are the main casts. chen yi’s role in the drama is a village ah beng. hahhaa… he gives ppl a chao ah beng image lah. i think he’s going be like a fool in this show also. =x haha.. they are going to start filming it somewhere the end of the mth.

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NIANG PAO! hahhahaa

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in japan…

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hoooo… he’s so good looking here. hahahs

hope EQ will not be on budget for his album promotion. hahahhaha.. cause i want him to be in spore again!

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ordered this faux paddington bag just now. after pondering for sucha long time i still chose the pink one. hahahhaa… i hope the real colour is gonna be as nice tooo!
i bought 2 bags this week alrdy. tsk!
i shld really control my spending.
i realise that i have a certain pattern of shopping. its like i will sudd buy many shoes during a period. mayb its just a coincidence that i happened to spot many nice bags during this certain period too.

to sleep soon…

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