
Archive for January, 2008

exams over!

January 29, 2008 Leave a comment

im done with exams!


its like finally~~~~ the last phrase of my poly life alright.
i actually wonder when will the next exam which i will be taking come.
obviously im not anticipating for it… but just wondering only..
i dunno, but seems like LRBE would perhaps be the last exam paper i took in my lifetime if i choose not to continue with my studies anymore uh.

anyway, i have alrdy came up with my plans for tml…

so as for tml….i will be going for a haircut since i just booked an appointment at the salon just now. im still considering if i should go for the hair treatment also. i wanted to color my hair actually, but seems like it has to be pushed till after CNY. i will start on spring cleaning for my room too, i wonder how many days im gonna drag to clean up my room completely this time round.

the above was all typed and saved as draft around noon time today.

as for now…. im afraid i can’t carry out any of my plans tml because im sick!
fever, sore throat, flu and all seems to be invading me at high speed right now…. =(
im feeling cold~~~ brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

i actually started to fall sick yesterday, but kinda unexpected that i still managed to go out for a little shopping when im sick and have a law paper to sit for the next day. =X
i think i was really lucky cause’ the law paper turns out to be quite easy and my sacrifice for the reading time to stand outside the room for some last min studying really helps ALOT!

i think it’s time for weakling me to get to bed…
i hope i will feel much better when i wake up tml morning~

Categories: school, sick

1 more left

January 25, 2008 Leave a comment

finished our PTH paper ytd. i think the paper was manageable, but i dunno why i just have the feeling that im not confidence about it.
anyway, to update again, we’re left with LRBE paper and FYP presentation.

today’s an exhausting day for me.
went over to client office in the morning then walked a very long distance just to find our way to botak jones and then travelled all the way to tamp, waited almost 4 hours just to see the doc, lastly all the way back home from tamp.
needless to say, i spent hundreds today again… shouldn’t have bought so much extra medications~~~

I HAVEN TOUCH ON MY LRBE YET! neither am i going to read through my notes later on.
reason being, i have things to do like getting prepared for my interview tml etc…
interview??!!! yups… i got introduced a job, although im not sure if that job is of my interest, i think it doesn’t harm giving a try ya?

im seriously worried for my LRBE paper. i never listen to lecture, i never ever did my tutorials, i don’t even have model answers for my tutorials… wish me good luck! im probably gonna sleep with those intellectual property act, computer misuse act facts the next few nights.

good luck for my interview tml too!

Categories: my day, school

my poor tail again

January 22, 2008 Leave a comment

i injured my tail ytd…

it is so painful now.
walking results in pain.
i can’t really bend now.

what an excellent time to hurt myself when the first paper is just 2 days away~


Categories: sick

2 more down

January 14, 2008 Leave a comment

2 more modules down today.
=D though i was quite upset that i screwed up that WSNA test.

so for the following 2 weeks, im left with:
– pth exam
– lrbe exam

i hope these 2 weeks will pass in a flash, cos i simply can’t wait to rot at home and start on spring cleaning!

Categories: school


January 12, 2008 Leave a comment

oh my~~~
i think i’m probably the only one who still have the mood to go shopping during this critical period.
there’s so much stuffs to be done on monday and i haven touch on any yet…
god bless~~~~~~

did too much shopping recently, which explains the figures in my bank a/c right now.
met besties out yesterday and we managed to go for late night supper too…
it have been some time since we had our suppers uh.

ok.. i better do some time management for these 2 days right now just to make sure i can get everything done by mon.

nap for 2 hrs
finish up LRBE
start on WSNA

finish WSNA
read through CSB at night

i hope i still have time to catch some sleep~

Categories: besties, school, splurged


January 10, 2008 Leave a comment

what a nuisance!

screw that bloody company!

Categories: school

1 down

January 7, 2008 Leave a comment

did our CSB role play just now and we’re now having our make up class for CSB.
so for the following weeks, im left with these tasks:
– CRM CA (tmr)
– WSNA presentation (wed)
– LRBE CA (next mon)
– WSNA CA (next mon)
– CSB CA (next mon)
– PTH EXAM (24/1)
– LRBE EXAM (29/1)
– FYP presentation (1/2)

i hope this list isnt gonna increase~~~

Categories: school

first day of school

January 2, 2008 Leave a comment

i found out something during the first lesson of the day… and it made me felt extremely frustrated!!!
maybe i shouldn’t have expected so much~

the following 4 weeks are prolly gonna be tough cause’ there’s test every week and somewhere in between we will be having some presentations and the big thing which is final presentation of FYP!
oh my god… i can’t believe that we are sooo near to graduation.

i suspect that someone blocked me on msn, but i hope i’m wrong~

i just recall that work will start tml.. gotta remind myself to fill up the pay form later on..

ok.. thats about it.. im off to edit pth report.

Categories: school

first entry of 2008

January 1, 2008 Leave a comment


best wishes for this new year…

the cousins are meeting out for dinner and movie later on… and shit! cos i found out i haven finish my pth report yet when sch is reopening tml.. =(

Categories: celebration