
Archive for March, 2008

typhoon in SG

March 24, 2008 Leave a comment

i think i just experienced typhoon on my way home.
it was worst than the he luo sha we met in taipei can.
the rain was blown at 90 degrees angle and it got my skirt soaked with rain water.
my umbrella wasn’t helpful at all.
and then the worst came… the pavement was flooded and i soaked my feet in brown water.


so horrible & terrible…

Categories: my day

easter day

March 20, 2008 Leave a comment

Happy Easter Day!
i suppose it should be easter day right?
actually i got no idea about easter season until the manager wished us this morning.

found this in one my drawers when we started work in the morning.
the manager gave each to everyone with a short msg attached with it too.
i wonder how am i gonna eat it. hahaha

i had been traveling to Mandarin Oriental the past 2 days to attend our orientation program which was held over there.
they lined up the 2 days program with talks from different departments, soo boring can.
the only enjoyable event which everyone was anticipating for was the lunch.
omg.. their food is heavenly esp the buffet we had on day 2!
we had fine dining on day 1 over at Dolce Vita which is near the pool, very cheesy and creamy food they have over there.
and on the 2nd day we were brought to the melt cafe, it was a buffet lunch and everything over there is great! the ambience, the food, the service etc…
i drank many cups of tea the during the orientation because the ballroom was like freezing cold and it was a torture to sit through a few hours listening to some redundant stuffs.

it a long weekend ahead and there’s finally time for me to get some good rest…~~~
SIM has offered me a place for the UOL course, i was just browsing it through the other day and i saw $$$$ appearing in most of the pages.
if only those money in the vault are all mine!!!

Categories: festive season, work


March 16, 2008 Leave a comment

hahha.. the new blogskin is so kiddish!
i think it looks a little weird too. but nvm, cause im too lazy to change it again.

anyway, SB D&D held at grand grand copthorne was over on wed. it was my first time attending prom cause’ my sec school remarked that the school was too poor to organise one back then. i felt that it was more of a class gathering as everyone in the class attended except for wai man who’s in HK right now. other than the dinner which was cooked using cheap ingredients, there were lucky draws, free photo shoots and not forgetting the emcee who entertained us and led us in playing of games. meryl was so lucky cause she won the 2nd prize which was a DS lite during the lucky draw! i was stunned when my name was called out and i was asked to go on the stage. at first i thought it was a class thingy cause timothy was being called before me. but it turns out that we happened to be the nominees for the prom king/queen. HAHAHHA! i was dazed on the spot and i wanted to pee so badly can. so hurriedly i get the catwalk done so that i can rush down the stage and head for the toliet. of cos i didn’t win, cause i was like facing down most of the time when i was on stage. got some vouchers and a useless zouk book which i left it lying at the ballroom becos it was too heavy to carry ard.
overall the function was fun and i enjoyed gathering with those friends again. now that we’ve all graduated, im so gonna miss all of them~ aww…

alright, photos time!

i actually went to curl my hair but don’t think its noticeable. hahha

chewyee & me with my flabby arms.

eileen & me with my messy hair.

meryl & me.

wen ho & me.

yong ming & me.

ming howe & me.

the FYP team – lian hao, timothy & me.

angela, brillyn & me.

girls in DBIT 3B/12

lastly, the v dark class photo with howard.

Categories: class outing, gathering, photos


March 9, 2008 Leave a comment

a short update about my weekend.
met agnes to the uber crowded IT fair yesterday. things are really cheap nowadays… 1gb thumbdrives are going at $9.90 ONLY!!! im not in need of any IT gadgets recently, so we left for town after getting the ext hdd.

it was so much quieter over at town since majority of the population was over at the IT fair.
went wheellock place for dinner at fish&co, shared the seafood platter and it was soo filling! bought a belt and a pair of shoes for prom ytd. i gotta restrict myself not to get anymore new shoes recently cause i bought like 4 pairs of shoes in 3 consecutive weekends.

3 more days to D&D and i haven decide on where to get my makeup and hair done and im too timid to request for a day leave so i asked for half day leave on that day instead.

im soo frighten to return to work tml.
i can actually foresee the challenges in the coming week.

Categories: weekend, work

first day of work

March 3, 2008 Leave a comment

it’s the first day of work and i actually overslept and ended up taking a cab to work.

there’s really alot to learn and pick up in the new environment.
i hope i will be able to manage and adapt fast…

it’s gonna be a better day tml.

Categories: work