
Archive for May, 2009

thanks loads!

May 21, 2009 Leave a comment

i wanna say….


for those bday wishes;
good luckssss;
all the bestsss for exams!

keep all the good luck coming in-i really need em to pass my exams!

Categories: Uncategorized

FINALLY… the end

May 21, 2009 Leave a comment

its may 21st!
my exams is over!!!

actually… im not that excited.
im still a little worried over how i fair for my papers…
despite months of preparations for the exams, i have no confidence in passing any of em. =(
ok, this is the last time im telling myself that it is stupid to waste my brain cells on this….

i should start enjoying my holidays!!!

swine flu has reached taiwan just like i have expected.
hopefully it isn’t going to affect our trip cause’ i have been yearning soooo long for this trip alright!

its my 21st birthday celebration the day after tml~! =P

Categories: exams, holidays