
Archive for August, 2009

endless shopping

August 22, 2009 Leave a comment

im bored….

there’s many things that i ought to be doing such as reading up my mkting notes, start on my assignment (overdued for 2 wks!), etc…
but im doing none of the above.

sometimes i think mkting is really not my module. im lack of the creativity to ans those questions.

ah.. i feel so like shopping now.
but my wardrobe is so close to bursting soon. kinda regretted that i din get a bigger wardrobe the other time. tho a bigger wardrobe will look not proportional to the room and i prob won’t have any place to walk about. hahha

im currently suffering from this horrible headache which didn’t go away after 3 hrs of nap. =(

the brother is coming home later after 2 weeks of training! (yeah, i kinda miss him – secretly) HAHA!

Categories: weekend


August 22, 2009 Leave a comment

yeah. that’s part of me – weak, both physically and mentally.

im only in my early twenties yet i have the body of a fifties.
i guess my body will probably just fall apart before i even turn fifty.

i almost fainted while walking back to the office after lunch ytd and ended up vomiting out my lunch at the bus stop outside the office.
on top of these, im tormented with cramps, cold sweat, wobbly hands & legs, backaches and diarrhoea at the same time.
i totally gave my colleagues a scare.

i just can’t understand what’s wrong with the body?

im just consuming the usual intake like everyone else but i have to suffer from the excruciating pain almost every mth.

Categories: health Tags:


August 16, 2009 1 comment

its Sunday again!!!
i hate how fast time passes.. argghhhh!

had late night outings during the weekend.
out with besties to dempsey and mac after class on Friday night.
watched late night movie “The Proposal” with agnes and samm ytd at JP! yeah JP!!! hahhaha.. how surprising is that?!
all becos i have to come back home to bring toto to my father so i suggested JP and im quite shocked that the rest all agreed. hahha
anyway, the movie is quite a good one just that the ending was a little abrupt?

im so fed up with the internet connection right now.
i can’t twit, i can’t FB, i refreshed many times until i managed to create this post and i have MANY page load errors!
totally sucks.
i guess i shall spend my time watching shows and clearing my disk space.

work tml. =(
and i just rmb we are meeting for sauna tml?
eeek… i should just come up with some excuses… =X gg to get depress v soon.
results are gg to be released within the next 2 weeks i think. im totally unprepared for it. hrm.. what should i prepare for? prepare for the worst i guess?
seriously.. im damn scared.
but what can i do? just pray hard?


Categories: weekend

long weekend?

August 10, 2009 Leave a comment

it is suppose to be a long weekend for all of us. but it doesn’t seems like one to me.

be it the body, the mind blah blah blah…

i dread going to work tml.
and i have yet started on my assignment!
pls help me kill the laziness in me!!!

i think im being too ambitious cause’ i actually plan to start blogging on the overdued taiwan trip..

sucha failure with nth accomplished.

Categories: weekend

body wellness

August 3, 2009 Leave a comment

our company invited marketers from fitness first to our company for a body wellness talk today.

i think exercising is really an impt aspect of the lifestyle esp after i suffered from this major PMS last mth.

im actually quite interested to sign up for the membership cause’ our company got really attractive corporate rates for us and i think their facilties are really superb. but too bad my colleagues aren’t interested and there is no buddy which i can go work out with.

anyway, we went to measure our body fats after the talk.
i was told that my level of fats isĀ  at the high end range.
btw the person who was doing the measurement was a little shocked when he asked my age and i said twentyone….

alright! its really time for me to move my body.
let’s move it move it~

Categories: health Tags:

the ideal saturday

August 2, 2009 2 comments

i enjoyed my saturday!

did some shopping with kai and LT ytd (tho i didn’t get a single thing – surprisingly!)
i can’t rmb when was the last time we really met out for shopping.
we used to go for shopping trips quite frequently during our poly days…
it is now more of dinners and suppers sessions while we do our shopping online instead.

we spent more than 3 hrs roaming ard ion while to try to understand the directions… but gave up after that and head over to DFS to rest our legs. hahha



SNC00290 the fake lashes from taiwan… quite heavy but i love!

over to FEP and paragon for dinner after that.



see how the 2 ladies look after a day of walking in their hungry shoes which bites..

we should meet out more often for shopping in the future!
don’t we miss dolling up, flipping thrgh the racks in the shops, spending long time in the fitting rooms and making tough decisions (becos we always think thrice) with comments from everyone before making a purchase?!

im getting quite annoyed now after i look at the time at the bottom right of my monitor.
my weekend is going to be over in a few hours time and monday is arriving soon!
im suppose to complete my assignment this weekend since it is alr overdue but i have yet started on it.
tell me where can i find motivation?

Categories: besties Tags: