Home > taiwan > Taiwan 09 – Day 4

Taiwan 09 – Day 4

DAY 4 – 23 Jun 09 (Tue)

The day when we headed to Tai Zhong via Gao Tie (HSR).


Left: waiting area to board the Gao Tie. i find their train system quite confusing with too many platforms and many destinations.
Right: our eyes could hardly open.


Left: our t0 and fro tixs over at the reserved seats cabin.
Right: the seats are really comfy

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the traditional railway bento which we bought before boarding HSR – not that yummy in our opinion.


Left: scenery from HSR – plantations mainly.
Right: arrived at Tai Zhong after an hr journey.


Right: took free shuttle bus from the HSR station to the city area.

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Left: Bing Lang Shop w/o Bing Lang Xi Shi
Right: super mini car on the road!


Left: Tai Zhong is really so much less developed as what i thought.
Right: Finally reached Yi Zhong Shopping Area after another long long bus journey.

things in Tai Zhong are relatively cheaper than in Taipei. however, there are too many similar shops in Yi Zhong Shopping Area. hahhaa.. but the prob is we can still buy different things from the shop which was similar to the one we visited earlier. tsk tsk.. passed by a building where we saw how tuition centers can be a v profitable biz in TW, cos they are too many ppl who loves and need to attend tuition classes =XXX

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Left: had macs before heading to our next destination – i ate the grilled chicken burger!
Right: quite surprised that they have curry sauce over there (tho not v fresh), but still no chilli sauce as usual. we die die have to remind ourselves to bring some over should we have the chance to visit TW again. lol


Left: should have invested some money over here and try our luck. hee hee
Right: our next destination – Feng Jia Shopping Area. took a cab there cos there seems to be no other alt., there is no MRT at Tai Zhong and bus is just too complicated for us.

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Right:  Zhu Xue Gao aka Bloody Rice Cake which i totally dun have the guts to try.


Left: taking a rest after shopping at Etude House (again).
Right: Q-ing to buy Chuan Qi drink, i love their drinks but too bad they dun have it in XMD anymore.

P1010617 bought overly-raved chicken which is grilled using charcoal


desserts before leaving Feng Jia back to HSR.

back to Taipei, we went back to drop our shopping bags and headed to the nearby Party World and sing thrgh the night. totally worn out can! i fell alslp while holding the mic halfway thrgh out the song. hahhaha

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