
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Taiwan 09 – Day 2

September 24, 2009 Leave a comment

my hectic life has officially started. i can totally foresee the worsening of the dark circles v soon.

alright, we’re now moving on to Day 2 of the trip (ie. 10 more days to go…)

DAY 2 – 21 Jun 09 (Sun)

as usual, im the first to wake up for the entire trip. so ke lian right…sobsss

headed to XMD for brunch



ate some local food over at Xiao La Jiao. i don’t like their fish balls cos they are all stuffed with meat inside.


our must-have in taiwan – San Xiong Mei Dessert.
their xue hua bing and pearl bean curd are super yummy! oh pls just look at the amount of fresh fruits toppings they have, where to find such in SG?? tell me tell meee!

shopped at Watsons cos they were having a one day only special discount. i was trying so hard to resist myself to lug all those products which can’t be found in SG and kept reminding myself that i have alr like S$250 worth of stuffs waiting to be collected frm 7-11. i thought i bought quite little but seems like i still spent the most among us. =X


Left: this pink house located in XMD caught my attention
Right: on a closer look, i realised that it is endorsed by Lee Min Ho – Gu Jun Pyo!
i was quite sua ku and have no idea that Etude House alr exist in SG before i was there so i totally went gaga when i saw the store for the first time. i couldn’t resist my temptation this time round and went in the shop to ask the SA to intro their best selling products. btw, i love their SA uniform.. so KAWAIII!

DSC01194 their testers are so clean unlike those in SG.

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Left: LOL. one of the better ones after trying out many angles
Right: Miss Ballerina also quite cute right

found our way to Bigi Bag Store – Wan Nian Building Branch which is located somewhere near our hotel. glad that they have a physical store now cos it is a kinda dreadful having to wait ard 3 mths for your bag to be shipped over if you were to order it thrgh the web. moreover, the price of their bags are the same and they offer discounts for purchases of 10 bags above as well. Bigi Bag Store AKA the “Hit 10” Store, we always buy above 10 bags to get entitled for the discount.heee heee

unloaded our barangs at the hotel and travelled to TMS to buy our HSR tixs in advance.

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some highlights for the upcoming Flora Exhibition in year 2010.
there were many Filipinos q-ing for the photo.


outside TMS, the sun was so strong and i could hardly open my eyes.


Left: Buying our 30% off Gao Tie tixs to and fro Tai Zhong and Gao Xiong frm the priority counter. hahha look at peifen and my standing pose.
Right: Lunch at Jap restaurant at TMS underground mall before setting off to Dan Shui.


after a long journey – train from TMS to Dan Shui, tiring bus ride from Dan Shui… we finally reached Dan Shui Fisherman’s Wharf. the place is crowded with tourists and many locals.


sun setting~ supposed to be a highlight for the tourist attraction but we just dunno how to appreciate.


loads of photo taking and it is a skill to capture the tip of the bridge into the shoot.


a really friendly family helped us took the group photo. they were really spontaneous and welcoming and even asked why we chose to visit Taiwan and recommended other attractions for us to visit blah blah blah. its really great to meet such souls when you’re in a foreign country.
ah… it makes me wonder if i will ever get to meet such outgoing and friendly stranger in our lion city. hrmmmm…

DSC01309 super cutie dog rolling on the ground.


tried out the food at the highly raved 40 years old Ah Gei shop.
if you’re wondering what is Ah Gei, it is that two round balls you see on the right pic. something which our tastebuds cannot appreciate again. for goodness sake, those balls are 99% starch.


the lover’s bridge which had lighted up after we finished our starchy dinner.


board the ferry back to Dan Shui Lao Jie. the ferry is much faster as compared to the bus ride which took like forever (the person at tourism counter recommended us to take the bus).

did shopping and ate our fav tempura at Dan Shui Lao Jie before taking the train back to XMD.

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rushed to get our supper from KFC.



KFC egg tarts! its a MUST HAVE!!! i tried it last time and i din know that they actually have other flavours for the egg tarts as well! super yummy!!!

alright.. that wraps up Day 2.

more to come…

Categories: taiwan, Uncategorized Tags:

Taiwan 09 – Day 1

September 5, 2009 Leave a comment

since i have the saturday to spare. i think i should embark to blog on the trip which took place 2 mth plus ago – long overdued!

and so.. it was my 3rd visit to Taiwan and the longest ever – 12 days, 11 nights.

DAY 1 – 20 Jun 09 (Sat)

PF and i shared a cab to redhill to meet up with the rest and agnes’s mum send us to the airport.
had our super filling brunch at BK.

great that they have water coolers inside the boarding area now, we no longer need to spend $3 on golden mineral water from Jetstar.


During the 5 hrs plane ride:




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the flight was empty that day and it was sorta free seating for us. hahhaa.. due to H1N1, many of the passengers (including us) started to put on our masks before alighting the plane.

the weather was good and the clouds was pretty that day:


the clouds looks like yummy mashmallows!


Left: FLH welcomes me to Taiwan!
Right: totally explains why Changi Airport deserves to the few top airports in the world. =x

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Left: checking out the rates over at their money changer. btw, you can only find money changers in the airport.
Right: Waiting to board Freego coach.


Left: my luggage in black! the luggage alr weigh 17kg btw. =X i seriously have no idea what gold i brought.
Right: the previous coach was filled and they made us waited for the next one. i couldn’t stand the heat and the mask was suffocating.


Left: freego coach – better leg space with TV compared to our flight.
Right: mask sponsored by JW’s company. i cannot stand wearing the mask, super stuffy and i felt like im breathing in carbon dioxide.

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the ride was v long as usual. but luckily no angry driver this time round!

checked in to our usual hotel (cheap and good location) and headed out.


Left: Queuing for the train, a culture which Sporeans should practice as well.
Right: on the train ride to Jian Tan Stn – Shilin Night Mkt for our dinner.



had our dinner at Da Tou Long (the stall where xiao zhu learn his or ah jian from for zhuan jiao yu dao ai) in Shilin Night Mkt. ordered or ah jian, zhong he jian, ru rou fan and gong wan soup.
i still v much prefer the “wet” kinda or ah jian they have in taiwan tho it is really v starchy!

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bought our must-have dessert after our dinner. our fav ice-cream puff! the puff isn’t some normal puff it taste like po luo bao to me. yum yum~ i esp love the yam one.

crossed over to the shopping area at shilin after filling our stomachs.

for the first 2 nights, we booked 2 twin rooms and for the rest of the nights we managed to get our fav 702 room. i was quite shocked that i din managed to book 702 for the first 2 nights cos i called in at 12.15am on 1st may to book the rooms! they only accept bookings 1 mth in advance for goodness sake. but its good that we managed to get rooms on the 7th floor. =D
oh btw, flying fringe lady is not working there anymore. wahhaha!

Categories: taiwan, Uncategorized Tags:

Hello world!

July 18, 2009 2 comments

Welcome to
i have shifted! goodbye blogspot… goodbye huiyi-pinkie…

why wordpress?!
becos my besties are using it!
hahhaha… call me a copycat =x

i hope i will be blogging more often here! certaintly!

alright.. i have sch later! on a precious sat!

Categories: Uncategorized

thanks loads!

May 21, 2009 Leave a comment

i wanna say….


for those bday wishes;
good luckssss;
all the bestsss for exams!

keep all the good luck coming in-i really need em to pass my exams!

Categories: Uncategorized

new skin again!

April 26, 2008 Leave a comment

i changed the blog skin again cos i just cnt get used to the navigate skin previously.
hrmm.. i think that probably explained why the no. of posts on my blog have been greatly reduced.

although i have quite many expired events to blog about, i think i shall be kind enough to let my bro who just came back from tekong to play his cabal online..

im sucha good sis man~!


Categories: Uncategorized


April 1, 2008 Leave a comment
1st day of April…
Categories: Uncategorized

*// my sunday

February 11, 2007 Leave a comment

went over to paternal’s grandparents hse for reunion lunch in the afternoon.
nth much. buffet as usual and i received my first 2 ang baos.

came hm and continued with my spring cleaning.
until now, at this hr, im still nt done with my room yet.

ITP starts tml. and its gonna last for 9 weeks.
freaking. worried.
X fingers that im going to meet nice people tml.
and thank god. we don’t hv to wear any formal or office wear. just casual will do. =)

shopping yesterday.
duper crowded. everyone was rushing to get stuffs.
gt another top from topshop, another tights, and a pair of damn cool socks. haha
collected my jelly shoes and my pg mall bag too.
the jellies are simply too tight. but i’ve alrdy gt a size bigger. ><
that pg mall bag looks not bad. but where’s my 20% discount?!

off to cont with cleaning.
good luck for my itp tml and hopefully i wont lose my way there on the first day.

Categories: Uncategorized

*// its over!

February 9, 2007 Leave a comment

finished my last paper on wed. i made careless mistakes here and there for stats paper. =(
now that my papers are over, im beginning to worry about my results.

met classmates from class 21 for dinner after paper on wed. had a hard time deciding on where to eat. settled on cartel in the end.
shopped ard after that. saw elvin ng with his friends at cine. eileen nearly drooled lah. hahahha… he’s sucha eye candy.

met siyi, kailin and liting for supper later on that night too. wanted to hv prata at je, but the shop wasnt open that day. so we went bukit timah instead. saw cheng xi enjoying his prata over there. those ppl working at the prata shop are trying to be funny lah. they cnt count properly. there’s only 4 of us cnt they see? and we’re trying so hard to explain to them that there’s no cheese in the prata when they insisted that there is. tsk….
btw, i think we kinda pissed them and they added additional toppings on our prata. cos siyi, liting and kailin all gt tummyache the next day. hahhaa.. must be those sai balls lah. lol..
listened to liting’s jokes. that apple pee one was really funny man. bth…
anyway, lets meet up for more supperS next time. =)

went kbox with eileen and zhen xiu in the afternoon. wow.. they alrdy hv qi cai bang bang tang’s MV. not bad….

went off earlier to meet agnes and jingwen at outram. did some travelling to & fro via MRT. some da ming xing is trying to be funny can. luckily we didnt waste our money by cabbing lah. its not worth it at all.

and its quite dumb to travel all the way there thinking that it wasnt gonna be that crowded as compared to marina. =.=
back to htl after eating. is there a need to stay in that hotel? oh yea. probably he’s really a DA ming xing now.

kailin just told me she hv collected my bag for me. thanks a lot ya. =))) and what a coincidence, that girl is actually from the next class.

meeting siyi later on to collect our jellies. yups… and some shopping too.

Categories: Uncategorized

*// hohoooo… 1 more left

February 5, 2007 Leave a comment

ECM paper today was alright, manageable. at least i know i will do fine. =)
SO. we’re only left with the last paper on wed and that’s stats!
oh yeahs!!!

ITP will start the following mon. im kinda clueless abt my company lah. my LO din brief us on the transportation, attire etc..

CNY falls next weekend. like WOAH. so fast!
i havent pack my room yet.

finally, the painting work in the hse is done.
i can predict the piles of stuffs we’re gonna dump in the following week.

wah lao. where is my bro? where is my fish porridge?
im hungry. =(

Categories: Uncategorized

*// KFC delivery

February 2, 2007 Leave a comment

i was just randomly telling them im craving for KFC.
then… they came over my hse and we ordered delivery.
geeesss… they are non other than my friends – siyi & kailin.

FMA paper today was bad. B.A.D.
waves goodbye to my A.
i dunno why. why i always can’t do well for my accs exams when i can do well for my tests.
anyway, im only left with ECM & Stats papers.

will be working over the weekend. yups…. i need $$$!
going for the meetup tml to collect my boots also. pg mall bag arrived alrdy too.
BUT. ASOS clutches are not here yet. it won’t arrive before CNY thanks to vpost for sending it back to SWB claiming that the parcel is opened when it isnt. boo!

was looking thrgh my clothes when they came over my hse just now.
i’ve so many new clothes to get rid of!
pls… i need to get rid of them to make space for new stuffs.

im beginning to fall in love with ELECTRIC BLUE!

Categories: Uncategorized